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Trek Culture

Geek Nation Tours Adds ‘Exploring Trek Sites: Hollywood To Vegas With Larry Nemecek’

Geek Nation Tours Adds ‘Exploring Trek Sites: Hollywood To Vegas With Larry Nemecek’

We met Geek Nation Tours at the last Vegas Khhaaan!. They are a great company that essentially leads small groups on vacations of geekdom paradise. Each vacation tour revolves around a “geek genre”. Some of their tour themes include; Twilight, Anime, Civil War History, and of course our favorite… Star Trek.

About Leaked Star Trek 2 Pics, Zoe Saldana Says “J.J. was very upset”

About Leaked Star Trek 2 Pics, Zoe Saldana Says “J.J. was very upset”

We agree with you J.J. We aren’t super happy about it either. Over the years we’ve taken the matter of movie spoilers into our own hands by “tuning-out” when an anticipated title is mentioned. We just don’t read or watch any news about movies we want to remain a surprise. Oh, we hear them mentioned...and feel the thrill of anticipation with each new “avoided story”. But somehow, instead of forgetting about the “avoided” movie, we become more focused on it and are all the more excited when we finally do watch it.

Star Trek 2 Set Pictures Leaked To Reveal... Not A Whole Lot

Star Trek 2 Set Pictures Leaked To Reveal... Not A Whole Lot

As with it's predecessor, the next film in the J.J. Abrams Trek universe is currently being shot and is veiled in secrecy.. Everyone is still up in arms about who the villian will turn out to be (possibly played by Benedict Cumberbatch) and how the plot will twist and turn. J.J. does an amazing job of keeping his projects underwraps and to be honest we prefer it that way. In this world of spoliers it's hard to still be suprised by a film's storyline.

Larry Nemecek's "The Con of Wrath" Documentary Update & Fundraising Special With Extra SWAG

Larry Nemecek's "The Con of Wrath" Documentary Update & Fundraising Special With Extra SWAG

Star Trek historian, author, & friend of Subspace Communique, Larry Nemecek, is still in the process of traveling all over the country and gathering interviews for his upcoming film The Con of Wrath. In fact, he just recently finished interviews with Kerry O'Quinn (father of Starlog Magazine & more), his old pal Eric Stillwell (TNG writer & Star Trek fiction author), & Kett Kettering. Both Eric & Kett were Con of Wrath attendees, or survivors as some may call it, and Kerry was the talkshow host / emcee for the convention.

We started spreading the word last year on how fans can help make the documentary a reality and now Larry has launched a brand new fundraising special that increases the incentives for fans. Anyone who makes a donation between now and 11:59 p.m. PDT on Monday, Feb. 27, will get the thank-you swag from the NEXT LEVEL UP, as you can see on the donor page at That's for every level from $10 through $500 ($1000 and $2500 levels are not included for this "doubling"deal.) And, if you have already made a donation, add on to your prior amount to hit the next level, and get the same deal.

Star Trek DS9's Armin Shimerman Appearing Live In "The Seagul" In North Hollywood

Armin Shimerman will be appearing in the play, The Seagull with the Antaeus Company in North Hollywood. Previews of the play begin tomorrow, February 23rd with Opening Night on March 1st & 2nd at 8pm.

Scott Bakula, Jeri Ryan, Dean Stockwell, & More At Toronto Comic-Con In April

Scott Bakula, Jeri Ryan, & Dean Stockwell At Toronto Comic-Con In April

We've said it before and we'll say it again, Wizard World puts on a fantastic convention. With the likes of Scott Bakula & Jeri Ryan, it seems that their Toronto Comic-con will be no exception. That's right kiddies, April 14th-15th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, both Seven of Nine & Captain Archer will be in attendance. As an added bonus, for all you Quantum Leap fans, Dean Stockwell will also be in attendance. We're huge QL fans (not mention BSG) and would make the trip in a heartbeat to see Sam Beckett/Jonathan Archer & Al/Cylon John Cavil/Colonel Grat (bet you thought we forgot about Dean's appearance on Enterprise); oh and Seven of Nine too. Plus there are plenty of other stars, from various scifi series, that will be in attendance as well. Check the full press release below for all the details.

Lost And Unproduced Star Trek TOS Episode 'He Walked Among Us' By Norman Spinrad, Unearthed After 45 Years

Lost & Unproduced TOS Episode

Many of you know Norman Spinrad as an award winning science fiction novelist as well as the writer of the TOS classic "Doomsday Machine". Up until recently, Norman's second, unproduced and ill-fated, Star Trek episode "He Walked Among Us" was thought to be lost to the ages.

Norman explains: "I thought the text of my original version--written on a typewriter!--was lost forever until recently a fan asked me to autograph a faded copy he had bought somewhere. I did, and in return he sent me a pdf off a scan"

More Scientific Advancement Spurred On By Star Trek

More Scientific Advancement Spurred On By Star Trek

Another gadget that was inspired by Star Trek seems to be making its way into reality. This time it’s Geordi’s visor. After gathering data, the device uses an algorithm to translate it into sound. However, unlike hearing, this fascinating device activates the visual cortex of the user’s brain by delivering the purely auditory data. It allows the user to “see” their surroundings with quite a bit of detail, including recognizing written words.

Happy Birthday To Star Trek TNG's LeVar Burton

Happy Birthday To Star Trek TNG's LeVar Burton

Hey Trek & Reading Rainbow fans, it's the time of year to celebrate the one thing both of those show have in common. It's LeVar Burton's Birthday. Yay! (cue the confetti). If you haven't noticed, we like to celebrate the birthdays of Trek stars and LeVar is no exception. Heck, we knew him from Reading Rainbow way before he donned the visor and took the helm. We'd like to celebrate this special day with something just as special. That's right kids it's another installment of our Youtube video Round-up: The LeVar Burton Edition.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art