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Larry Nemecek

Live Your Dream With The Ultimate Star Trek Guided Tour

Would you like to combine Travel + Star Trek filming sites + Las Vegas + The Official Star Trek Convention into one mega Star Trek fanstravaganza?!?! Since I know my own answer would be "YES!!!!" I'm gonna go out on a limb as guess that you're saying "No duh!" right about now.

Well, now all of your wildest dreams can come true! Our good friends Larry Nemecek and Geek Nation Tours are teaming up again for one of the most fun and informative Star Trek tours of all time. Their "Exploring Trek Sites: Hollywood to Vegas With Larry Nemecek" is the ultimate guided tour for any Trek fan. Via private coach, you get to visit a ton of filming locations and Trek-centric sites around California, meet some of the Trek cast, compete amongst your travel-mates in trivia contests, and culminate the tour with the Las Vegas Star Trek Convention.  But don't just let me tell you about it. You can check out our podcast, with Larry and Geek Nation Tours, here.

Life After Trek Episode 25 Featuring Star Trek Author Larry Nemecek

We’re pleased to announce the 25th episode of our “Life After Trek” podcast. In this episode we're featuring an interview with "Star Trek Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library" Author Larry Nemecek. Larry's new book is available for pre-order from Amazon and will be available for sale December 3rd at bookstores everywhere.

Of course many of you out there know Larry from his many other works including "Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion", The Con of Wrath, hundreds of Trek interviews featured in Trekland on Speaker, his personal site, numerous convention appearances, and pretty much every aspect of Star Trek from TNG onward.

Geek Nation Tours & Larry Nemecek Team Up For Exploring Trek Sites: Hollywood To Vegas 2013 Tour

Geek Nation Tours & Larry Nemecek Team Up For Exlporing Trek Sites: Hollywood To Vegas 2013 Tour

Earlier this year, two of our Trek friends joined forces to present a Vegas Khhaaan! tour-de-force. Tour being the operative word here. Next year, Geek Nation Tours and Trekland's own Larry Nemecek are partnering again for the special Exploring Trek Sites: Hollywood to Vegas tour. The 2013 version will include trips to Vasquez Rocks, Mojave Desert filming locales, and the Valley of Fire in Nevada were Captain James T. Kirk spent his last moments. Just like this year's tour, H2V 2013 will end at Creation Entertainment's Star Trek Las Vegas convention.

Win Tickets To The TNG Season 2 Movie Theater Event Via Larry Nemecek's Trekland

Our good friend and Star Trek author Larry Nemecek is holding his first contest giveaway over at his site If you haven't checked out Trekland... stop what you're doing and head over there now. It's full of behind the scenes info for our favorite scifi series, plus Trek happenings from all around the country and the globe. Not only that, but now you can get a chance to win tickets to the upcoming TNG season 2 screening. All you have to do is live in or be near Boston, New York City, Orlando, Chicago, or Seattle, answer the Trekland trivia question, and follow the entry steps below.

Do it quick, the contest ends 6 p.m Eastern Time/ 3 p.m. Pacific on Sunday, Nov. 25!

Starbase Indy 2012 Featuring JG Hertzler, Robert O'Reilly, Nicole de Boer, & Larry Nemecek

One of our favorite fan run conventions is close at hand... Starbase Indy, in Indianapolis, is launching it's 17th mission over Thanksgiving weekend. Not only will you be able to see J.G. Hertzler and Robert O'Reilly as Martok & Gowron, but Nicole de Boer (Ezri Dax) will also be on hand. Not to mention our good friend Larry Nemecek and artist David Reddick will also be in attendance. We had the pleasure of covering Starbase Indy in 2010 and had an absolute blast meeting new friends and getting to hang out with Life After Trekker Manu Intiraymi.

Wizard World Austin Comic Con 2012 Post Convention Wrap-up

We just got back from a fantastic con in our neck of the woods. That's right earthlings, it's time for the Wizard World Austin Comic Con post convention wrap-up. This was a special Trek centric con, that featured the entire bridge crew from Star Trek: The Next Generation. We've been covering news about Austin CC for the past several months and the show really lived up to the hype.

Austin Comic Con Adds Larry Nemecek & Releases Full Programming Schedule Featuring The TNG Reunion

For all of you that are excited about the Star Trek: The Next Generation reunion at Austin Comic Con, Wizard World just released the full programming schedule. In addition to all of the exciting TNG programming, our good friend Larry Nemecek is slated to appear at the con as well.

Gates McFadden Talks About Her New Theatre And More, In Trekland Video Interview

Gates McFadden Talks About Her New Theatre And More, In Trekland Video Interview

Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher) has been up to a bunch of new stuff lately. (How’s that for a totally professional sounding opener?) Part of the reason for all of the new activities is the excitement of TNG’s 25th anniversary, this year. Because of this milestone celebration she has begun attending conventions again, much to fans’ delight. You see, she’s been hard to find on the convention circuit all of these years mostly because of her devotion to theatre and the craft of acting.

Fresh Teaser Trailer For “The Con Of Wrath” Contains New Footage

New Teaser Trailer For “The Con Of Wrath” Contains New Footage

There’s a new teaser trailer for “The Con of Wrath” which has only been seen by the eyes of those lucky enough to have been attending the San Diego Comic Con on July 14th. This new trailer contains some great, high quality footage of the much anticipated documentary…not to mention more snippets of the fabulous interviews it’s going to contain.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art