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Trek Culture

Life After Trek Podcast Episode 18 “R.U.R.” Special Featuring Chase Masterson & James Kerwin

We’re pleased to announce episode 18 of our “Life After Trek” podcast, the "R U R" Special, featuring Chase Masterson & James Kerwin. Chase & James sit down with us to talk about their new film project R.U.R. & the crowd sourced "spin-off" short R.U.R.: Genesis. A play written by Karel Capek in 1919 -- and decades ahead of its time -- R.U.R. is a sharp commentary on progress, politics, and relationships, accurately predicting advances in biotechnology and setting the tone for future science fiction masterpieces like Metropolis and Blade Runner. In this retro-futuristic adaptation of the classic play (co-written & directed by James & starring Chase) R.U.R. depicts a world populated by genetically engineered workers ("artificials") — perfect, made-to-order humans who lack fundamental rights. We've loved Yesterday Was a Lie and are really looking forward to the release of this project.

Life After Trek Podcast Episode 17 Featuring Armin Shimerman

Life After Trek Podcast Episode 17 Featuring Armin Shimerman

We’re pleased to announce episode 17 of our “Life After Trek” podcast, featuring Armin Shimerman. We've been looking forward to talking to Armin since we launched Life After Trek. He was a fantastic interview and a true class act. In this episode we talk in great detail about Armin's start in Hollywood, the stage, and dive deep into his past, present, and future work. For those of you who haven't heard, Armin is also an author. Penning not only a Deep Space Nine novel about his loveable Ferengi alter ego (The 34th Rule, available in ebook & paperback), but also a science fiction series called "The Merchant Prince" (available here). Armin is also working on a new film called the The Sublime and Beautiful, which we talked about last year, and is set to start filming this month.

Star Trek Improv, Live And In Austin Texas

Star Trek Improv, Live And In Austin Texas

We’re excited to announce that some Star Trek goodness is finally happening right in our own backyard, Downtown Austin, Texas. Typically we have to pine over the cool events going on elsewhere, but this time we actually get to attend. A local Austin, TX improv group is running a new show every Saturday at 8pm during this January and February. It’s a Sci-Fi Comedy Double Feature; Twilight Zoned & Start Trekkin’. Improvised parodies of two classic television shows – back to back in the same night!

The shows take place in the Hideout Theatre  at 617 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701. Tickets are available online.

Data Feed: Transformers Rescue Bots Premier Feb 18th, With LeVar Burton

LeVar Burton will be voicing one of the characters in the  new Hasbro cartoon, Transformers: Rescue  Bots. It Premiers on the HUB channel, on February 18th at noon  ET and 9am PT

His character, Doc Greene is described as; Frankie's dad, Doc Greene, is head of  research at The Lab. He knows everything about Griffin Rock, and he's an expert  on all the gadgets and devices that have ever existed on the island. He may be  a bit quirky and eccentric, but when it comes to figuring out how things work  or inventing new things, he's a genius. So how long will it take him to figure  out the truth about the Rescue Bots?


J. J. Abrams Didn’t Want 'Star Trek 2' To Go 3D

J. J. Abrams Didn’t Want “Star Trek 2” To Go 3D

As we’ve mentioned before, we really aren’t fans of the recent trend toward 3D movies. It just seems like the latest gimmick to get people in the theaters, and often times straight up obtrusive. So when we heard the rumors that Star Trek 2 was probably going to be in 3D we weren’t thrilled. However, this new report of J. J. Abrams’s own apprehension and subsequent acceptance has us feeling a wee bit better about the prospect. At least it sounds like the movie may be offered in both 3D and 2D, but no mention if that option will be available in theaters or just on Blu-ray.

Dates Announced For William Shatner’s One Man Play "Shatner's World: We Just Live In It"

Dates Announced For William Shatner’s One Man Play "Shatner's World: We Just Live In It"

By now you’ve heard about The Shat’s solo show on Broadway, Shatner’s World: We Just Live in It, and are on pins and needles waiting to find out when you can see it. Well, a definitive date has finally been set for the play. It will run from its preview showing on February 14 to March 4, of this year. The Music Box Theater will be holding an official opening on February 16th.

The two-hour show, according to press notes, will "take audiences on a voyage through Shatner’s life and career, from Shakespearean stage actor to internationally known icon and raconteur, known as much for his unique persona as for his expansive body of work on television and film."

Qualcomm & X PRIZE Foundation Announce The $10 Million Qualcomm Tricorder X PRIZE

Qualcomm & X PRIZE Foundation Announce The $10 Million Qualcomm Tricorder X PRIZE

Ya know, I'm constantly amazed at the time we live in. We're on the verge of space tourism (thanks to the original X PRIZE) and now it seems that we could be only years away from medical tricorders in every home. Today at CES in Las Vegas, the Qualcomm Foundation and the X PRIZE Foundation announced he launch of the $10 million Qualcomm Tricorder X PRIZE, a global competition to revolutionize healthcare.

According to the press release; teams will leverage technology innovation in areas such as artificial intelligence and wireless sensing – much like the medical Tricorder of Star Trek® fame – to make medical diagnoses independent of a physician or healthcare provider. The goal of the competition is to drive development of devices that will give consumers access to their state of health in the palm of their hand.

Jeffrey Combs Was A Colonial Marine. Game Over, Man!

Remember back in the late 80s / early 90s when simulator rides were all the rage? Heck, it seems that almost every theme park had one. I wanna say that it all started with Star Tours in the magic kingdom, but honestly I think it may have started with crappy sim rides at state fairs. You know the type, you sit in a tube shaped like a rocket and take an imaginary trip to Mars or through someone's GI tract. Maybe not the later, but you get the point.

Three New Faces Are Added To The ‘Star Trek 2’ Roster

Three more actors have been slated to join the cast of J.J. Abrams’s next Star Trek movie. Benedict Cumberbatch (War Horse), Naaneen Contractor (24) and Noel Clarke (Doctor Who) were all announced earlier this week but their characters’ roles are still technically a mystery.

Benedict Cumberbatch, the British actor most recently seen in "War Horse" and "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy," will play the main villain in the "Star Trek" sequel. This was the role for which Abrams originally wanted Benicio Del Toro, but had Édgar Ramirez circling once Del Toro was out of the picture, Variety reported.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art