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Trek Culture

Scifi Expo Dallas Convention Recap

Scifi Expo Dallas Convention Recap

Over the weekend, we made the drive up to Dallas again for another fantastic show; Scifi Expo.  Sure, it's not necessarily a Trek con, per se, but the convention is featuring another scifi series that's near and dear to our hearts.  The ill-fated Joss Whedon spectacular known as  Firefly.  I gotta say, if we weren't Trek fans, we would definitely be Browncoats, but I digress. 

A little less than half of the crew of Serenity made the "trek" to Big-D . The role call includes; Ron Glass, Adam Baldwin, Jewel Staite, and Sean Maher.  There is one Trek connection here however, Ron was in the Voyager episode "Nightingale".   You know the one… Harry Kim finally gets the chance to be in command of a ship.  It's one of our favorites from Voyager.  Anyway,   We got the chance to hang out during the Serenity / Firefly panel and here are a few highlights….

Paramount & Bandai Namco Announce Partnership For New Star Trek Video Game

Paramount & Bandai Namco Announce Partnership For New Star Trek Video Game

While you enjoy your Star Trek Online and wait patiently for Infinite Space, Paramount has just announced a partnership with Bandai Namco that will produce a brand new Star Trek game based on the upcoming J.J. Verse film and will pit Kirk & Spock against an alien race set on overtaking the galaxy.

"With our Namco Bandai partners leading the distribution effort, we are confident that we will meet an overwhelming demand to get this exciting console experience into the hands of gamers and Star Trek fans worldwide," said LeeAnne Stables, Paramount Pictures Executive Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Partnerships and head of the studio’s video game unit.

Set for a release in 2013, sometime before the new film, the new game will be written by Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, & God of War writer Marianne Krawczyk.

"I'm A Very Happy Man" Says William "The Shat" Shatner

"I'm A Very Happy Man" Says William "The Shat" Shatner

I've said it before and will again; The Shat is a force of nature. Not only is he increasing his convention schedule this year, but he's also steering his one-man-show around this beautiful country of ours. Starting on Broadway. . LA Weekly recently sat down with Sir Billiam (thought we forgot about it, huh?) and got the chance to experience The Shat's essence while he rehearsed for the launch of Shatner's World: We Just Live in It. Where Bill revealed that he's essentially happy with the way his life has turned out.

"I'm a happy man. I'm a somewhat anxiety-ridden man right now, with opening night and all that. But in its right perspective, there should be a sense of joy about it. I'm going to open on Broadway in a one-man show. It's extraordinary. What a gift — to me!"

Yeah, I would be happy too. I mean think about, all of his conquests throughout the galaxy (great and small) and having an alien as the best man for your wedding. What's not to be happy about?

Inspired Star Trek Fan Launches Innovative New Web Series

Inspired Star Trek Fan Launches Innovative New Web Series

Here's something that we think all of you will dig. It's a brand new web series called "The Paunk! Show" that features a parody of our favorite scifi series. You know which one, right? For those of you who said Ark II, please slowly step away from your computer... Anyway, the premise of the series is that all of Earth's television broadcasts have been traveling into space where an alien audience has been receiving them. There's one problem, the signals are so scattered and weak that they are almost unwatchable. So this one alien, Paunk!, uses his giant computer, the Pear OD-9000, to fill in the gaps and recreate the shows, which he then shares with his audience.

New Trailer For Star Trek Online Feature Episodes “The 2800”

In honor of the new “The 2800” Feature Episodes, Star Trek Online has released a new trailer.   For those who don’t know,“The 2800” will consist of five featured episodes being released on consecutive Saturdays, until the big conclusion of the story on Saturday, March 10th. The episodes include the following: Episode 1: "Second Wave" (February 11) , Episode 2: "Of Bajor" (February 18) , Episode 3: "Operation Gamma" (February 25) , Episode 4: "Facility 4028" (March 3) , & Episode 5: "Boldly They Rode" (March 10) .

Star Trek’s William Shatner Joins Wizard World’s Comic Con Tour

Star Trek’s William Shatner Joins Wizard World’s Comic Con Tour

The Shat seems to be everywhere lately. I mean, really…everywhere. I don’t think he ever stops working. Personally, I’m totally impressed (and a little jealous) of his never ending energy. How he juggles the dozens of projects he currently has going, I’ll never know.

The latest announcement on the Shatner front is that he’s joined Wizard World’s Comic Con Tour. He just finished the New Orleans convention last weekend, and has three more on his schedule already.  One special note, he’s listed as “Saturday Only” for each of the following locations. Be sure to check the schedules so you don’t miss your favorite guest at any of them.

Philadelphia Comic Con Fri-Sat-Sun/June 1, 2, 3, 2012
Also at attending; Jeri Ryan (Voyager), Kate Mulgrew (Voyager), Avery Brooks (DS9), Paul McGillion (Stargate: Atlantis), and Bruce Campbell (…you name it)…and more

Chicago Comic Con Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun/August 9, 10, 11, 12, 2012
Also attending; Everybody from the above list, plus; James Marsters (Buffy The Vampire Slayer), Luke Perry (90210), Jason Priestly (90210) …and more

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Next Level [Blu-ray] Available Today

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Next Level [Blu-ray] Available Today

Here's something we've been anticipating since we launched Subspace Communique. That's right woodchuck chuckers, TNG has officially hit Blu-ray with the first released remastered episodes. After seeing the excellent work that was put into the TOS remasters, we hoped that CBS would go forth and make the Enterprise-D shine in all of it's 1080p glory. Well that day is finally here with the release of Star Trek: The Next Generation - Next Level [Blu-ray]. Now granted, this is a sampler disc with only 3 episodes, but it's our first chance to see what's in-store for the entire series in hi-def. Just like TOS remasterd, Mike & Denise Okuda worked closely with CBS on this project and hopefully by the year's end, we'll see the first full season release of Star Trek: The Next Generation: Remastered.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Crew Together At Calgary Expo

Star Trek: The Next Generation Crew Together At Calgary Expo

Well, the 25th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation is swiftly upon us. I can’t believe it’s been so long. I still remember watching the first episode, begrudgingly, because my mom wanted to watch it and we only had one TV in the house. You see I was a purist…it wasn’t the Original Series…so I didn’t want any part of it. Needless to say, at the end of those two hours, I was totally hooked. Now, fast forward seven years to the series ender. We swear we didn’t plan it this way, but “All Good Things…” just happened to be aired during our honeymoon. Being the fans that we were, we ordered in that night. There was no way either of us were going to miss that.

Star Trek’s LeVar Burton To Receive This Year’s Eliot-Pearson Award For Excellence

Star Trek’s LeVar Burton To Receive This Year’s Eliot-Pearson Award For Excellence

Star Trek: The Next Generation’s LeVar Burton will be honored by Tufts University with this year’s Eliot-Pearson Award for Excellence in Children’s Media for his 26 years of work with Reading Rainbow. If you’re in the Medford, Massachusetts area on February 3rd you can even watch him accept it.

The award is a collaboration between the university's departments of communications and media, and child development, and is given to innovators of diverse, non-violent media.

"LeVar Burton is a natural choice as he is a true children's literary expert," said Julie Dobrow, director of the communications and media studies program, in a statement.

"Through his exceptional career he has helped to promote reading comprehension in elementary- school-age children through the medium of television."

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art