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Trek Culture

Vegas Khhaaan! 2011 Guest Roster Thus Far. Will All Five Captains Attend?

Vegas Khhaaan! 2011 Guest Roster Thus Far. Will All Five Captains Attend?

Oh, Vegas Khhaaan! your superior intellect and super human looks are hard for us to resist. We had a blast last year covering the Official Star Trek Las Vegas Convention, meeting our readers and hanging with friends new and old. This year is setting up to be just as much fun. It's the 45th anniversary of Star Trek, and we've heard a rumor from an inside source that Creation is trying their hardest to land Avery Brooks and Scott Bakula to complete the full captain set. We have to say, that would be magically epic. Of course, Khhaaan! is always up to no good. It's all cordial and full of smiles until he tries to steal your ship. Let's just hope we don't end up with Ceti Eels attached to our cerebral cortex like last year.

Check out below for the guest roster thus far.

Data Feed: LeVar Burton Stops By The Kansas City Public Library - Video

As we reported earlier this month, Star Trek: TNG's LeVar Burton was in Kansas City area over the weekend to visit the Johnson County Community College and be a VIP guest at the Störling Dance Theater's presentation of “Underground”. While in KC, LeVar made a stop by the Kansas City Public library to read to children from the Derrick Thomas Academy. He was joined by local author Shane Evans and some representatives from the Storling Dance Theater. By the looks on everyone's faces, both the kids and LeVar had a great time.

All Six Original Series Star Trek Films To Be Shown In L.A. With Special Guest Q&A In March

All Six Original Series Star Trek Films To Be Shown In L.A. With Special Guest Q&A In March

We often kick ourselves for leaving Southern California, not just for the great weather and beaches, but also for the metric  ton of Trek related events in the area. Here's one that will surely please all the SoCal Trek fans. The Egyptian theater in L.A. is hosting all six original Star Trek films, Motion Picture to Undiscovered Country, with a different special guest Q&A each night. The series starts March 24th at 7:30 with "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" and runs through Sunday March 27th concluding with Star Trek VI and a special moderated Q&A with II & VI director Nicholas Meyer. You can head over to the Hero Complex blog at the L.A. Times and post your questions for Nicholas in the comment section. As an added note, Walter Koenig will also participate in a Q&A Saturday March 26th in between the Star Trek IV & V double feature. Check out the full details below.

Thursday, March 24 – 7:30 PM

Star Trek Voyager's Tim Russ Plus Barbara March & Gwynyth Walsh In Atlanta This Weekend

Star Trek Voyager's Tim Russ Plus Barbara March & Gwynyth Walsh In Atlanta This Weekend

One of our con favorites, Tim Russ is heading out to Atlanta this weekend to be a part of the very first Trek Trax convention. Starting tomorrow (Feb 19th), you'll be able to catch Tim and the Duras sisters Barbara March & Gwynyth Walsh on stage plus Trek authors Larry Nemecek, Diana Botsford, Brad Strickland, & Ina Rae Hark. You'll also be able to check the crew from the fan series Starship Farragut, a Klingon beauty contest, and a  ton of filking. Check out the full details and links below.

Gameforge Picks Composer For The Upcoming Star Trek: Infinite Space Browser Based Video Game

Gameforge Picks Composer For The Upcoming Star Trek: Infinite Space Browser Based Video Game

German game company Gameforge is slowly approaching it's summer 2011 release date for the upcoming Trek title Star Trek: Infinite Space. Like we reported last year, the browser based free-to-play game will be set in the Deep Space Nine timeline and already has Trek alumni Mike & Denise Okuda on board. The latest news to come out of Karlsruhe is that composer Chris Hülsbeck is set to create the score.  Hülsbeck is best know for his work on Turrican 2 and The Great Giana Sisters.

“This commission is a great honor, to work on a Star Trek product was a dream that has now come true,” Hülsbeck explains.

Ralf Adam, Gameforge’s Executive Producer, adds: “We are all very proud of being able to enlist such an outstanding artist. Chris Hülsbeck has decisively influenced a whole generation of computer games.”

Data Feed: Shatner On History Channel's "American Pickers"

We're not exactly sure how this slipped passed our radar, but it would seem that The Shat was on last night's episode of "American Pickers". Not familiar with the show? "American Pickers" follows the exploits of Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz as they scour the country for hidden gems in junkyards, basements, garages and barns, meeting quirky characters and hearing their amazing stories. If you think the antique business is all about upscale boutiques and buttoned-up dealers, this show may change your mind--and teach you a thing or two about American history along the way.

Star Trek TNG's Sir Patrick Stewart Remembers His Roots

Star Trek’s Sir Patrick Stewart Remembers His Roots

Nope, we aren’t talking about his dearly departed follicles, but rather the town where Sir Patrick Stewart was born, Mirfield, England. As honored and decorated as Captain Picard was, we have a sneaking suspicion that Sir Patrick may be even more so. He is a Mirfield Ambassador and is set to receive a new award at an upcoming event held at his birthplace.

MIRFIELD- born star Sir Patrick Stewart has scooped a new acting accolade.

He is being honoured for his Shakespearean work ahead of his return to Stratford-on-Avon to appear as Shylock in this season’s production of The Merchant of Venice.

Sir Patrick, who is a Mirfield Ambassador, will receive the Pragnell Shakespeare Birthday Prize at a luncheon in the Bard’s birthplace in April.

Life After Trek Podcast Episode 7 Featuring Tony Todd

Tony Todd, Life After Trek Podcast, Trek Culture, Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: Voyager

We’re pleased to announce the seventh episode of our “Life After Trek” podcast, featuring Tony Todd. If you have a pulse and breathe oxygen, then you're probably familiar with Tony's work. He's been in over 90+ films including Platoon, The Crow, The Rock, The Candyman Series, Final Destination, & Transformers: The Fallen. He's also been in numerous television series including 3 of the 5 Star Trek Series in existence.

Tony is probably best know in the Trek Universe as Worf's brother Kurn who made his first appearance in Star Trek: The Next Generation and then on to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Tony also played an Alpha Hirogen in Star Trek: Voyager. This interview was extremely special to us because of his work in the DS9 episode "The Visitor". Which we consider it to be the best episode of Television...ever.

Women Of SciFi Convention: Plano, TX - Post Con Wrap-up

Women Of SciFi Convention: Plano, TX - Convention Wrap-up

Here's our long overdue convention wrap-up for the Women of Scifi Con 2011 in Plano, TX. Sorry for the delay folks, we've been hard at work making the world a safer and better place for all mankind. Well, maybe that's overdoing it... but, we have been extra busy putting together a new episode of our Life After Trek podcast that we think you will really enjoy. Until then, check out the links below for our day-by-day coverage of the con, as well as photo slideshow and Q&A videos.

Women Of SciFi Convention: Plano, TX - Live Coverage - Day 2

Women Of SciFi Convention: Plano, TX - Live Coverage - Day 1

Photo slideshow

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art