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Trek Culture

Data Feed: Captain Picard Visits From The Future To Order A Filet O'Fish

Spending time on Youtube has become an unfortunate pastime for us lately. We say unfortunate, but occasionally you find a few diamonds in the rough. For instance, Captain Jean Luc Picard visits the 21st century to satiate his hunger for greasy fast food.

"The second drive-thru window; the first portal to a new dimension. One greater, one more wondrous than our own." - Captain Jean Luc Picard

In all seriousness though, this video started off kinda slow, but we actually laughed out loud, or LOL'd as the kids like to call it. Check out the embedded video below.

Larry Nemecek Interviews Star Trek DS9's Cirroc Lofton; Plus Larry On The SciFi Diner Podcast

Larry Nemecek Interviews Star Trek DS9's Cirroc Lofton Plus Larry On The SciFi Diner Podcast

This week Larry Nemecek (or as we like to call him; Amazing Larry) posted a brand new video interview with Star Trek: DS9's Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko). Larry got the chance to sit down with Cirroc, at last year's Hollywood Xpo, and discuss what the younger Sisko has been up to since leaving the promenade. Apparently Cirroc has become a restaurateur and operates a small cafe aptly named "Cafe Cirroc" in Culver City, CA. Check an excerpt below.

And the honor of standing first in line in the backlog of videos waiting to be seen is none other than Cirroc "Jake Sisko" Lofton. He's no stranger to cons, but hardly over-exposed, either. So it was that we had a blast catching up at the heavily-guested but lightly-attended Hollywood Xpo last fall.

Most of all, check out the info on his latest project these days, Cafe Cirroc. I'll let him tell you the details, but for local SoCal-ers here's an update on special events at his community-oriented Italian fare eatery:

Is The 3D Food Printer The Next Step Toward Star Trek’s Replicator?

“Tea. Earl Gray. Hot.”  As I’m sure many of you have, I’ve wanted to say that line to a cube shaped hole in the wall for the last 24 years or so. Now, we may be one step closer to getting our collective wish. What started as a project at Cornell University is currently being tested out at the French Culinary Institute in Manhattan, a 3D food printer.

OK, so it’s not a replicator like we’re used to seeing on Star Trek, but it does seem to indicate that the scientists are actively trying to get there. For now, this 3D food printer is quite a bit like the replicator technology NASA is working on only in food form. It builds the desired food out of multiple fine layers of said food in a paste form.

New Star Trek: My Experience Episode Promo Video Released


Star Trek: The Experience, oh how we long for thee. Going on two years now we've waited for your re-materialization, but alas it has yet to happen. For those of you out there that had the chance to visit The Experience, you know exactly what we're talking about. If not, imagine a place where everyone knows your name. No, not Cheers, but a place where being a Trek fan was whole heartedly embraced. That's exactly what ST:TE was like. It was home to the millions of Trek fans that crossed its threshold.

Trek Culture Review: New Flavors of Star Trek DS9’s Nana Visitor’s Gourmet Desserts

Trek Culture Review: New Flavors of Star Trek DS9’s Nana Visitor’s Gourmet Desserts

A new Bouboulette collection of flavors, the “Aromatic Collection”, is available at Nana Visitor’s gourmet dessert company, Un Petit Morceau. We ordered them. Ate them. Loved them! …and Reviewed them. All just for you…certainly not just because we needed an excuse to order and enjoy them ourselves…honest!

Happy Birthday to Star Trek's DeForest Kelley

Happy Birthday to Star Trek's DeForest Kelley

We want to wish a very happy birthday to the dearly departed DeForest Kelley. De would have been 91 years-old today and it's been nearly 45 years since he first took on the role of the simply country doctor, Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy. De had quite a career before landing his role in Trek that included several westerns and TV guest spots. He even served his country during WWII in the Army's First Motion Picture Unit, making training films.

De was also a great lover of animals, he and his wife Carolyn had a wide variety ranging from the normal birds and dogs to a giant box turtle named "Myrtle".

It's been almost 12 years since De lost his battle with cancer and we wish we could make the trip to Hollywood and visit his star on the walk of fame.

Data Feed: Nicholas Meyer's "The View From the Bridge: Memories of Star Trek..." $7.70 At Amazon

We were cruising around Amazon tonight and ran across a really good deal on the hardcover version of Nicholas Meyer's "The View From the Bridge: Memories of Star Trek and a Life in Hollywood " for $7.70. Many of you remember Nicholas as the director of Star Trek II & VI, our favorites, but he's also responsible for directing "Time After Time", "The Day After", & penning several Hollywood hits. The book chronicles his life focusing on his time in La La Land and his experiences with the crew of the USS Enterprise. We got the chance to read the book last year on our PADD, er Kindle and we highly recommend it.

Star Trek Voyager's Jeri Ryan To Play Sonya Blade In Live Action Mortal Kombat

Star Trek Voyager's Jeri Ryan To Play Sonya Blade In Live Action Mortal Combat

Last summer the internet was all abuzz with a fan made Mortal Kombat live action trailer featuring Voyager's Jeri Ryan as Sonya Blade. It appears the trailer was actually made by director Kevin Tancharoen to pitch Warner Bros on a new Mortal Kombat live action project. The new web series is heading to development with Jeri along for the ride.

According to; the project has been greenlit by Warners into a 10 episode web series. The series will follow character Jax Briggs, played by the same actor as in the trailer, Michael Jai White. Other characters appearing in the trailer were Reptile, Johnny Cage, Scorpion, Baraka, and Sonya Blade, the latter played by actress Jeri Ryan.

We definitely loved Mortal Kombat & Mortal Kombat II (especially that guy who would pop out of nowhere to yell "woooohoooo") and look forward to seeing Jeri in another action role.

Check out last years teaser trailer below (FYI it's pretty graphic. Not for the young or squeamish)

Don’t Miss PBS’s “Pioneers of Television” Featuring Star Trek & Gene Roddenberry Jan 18th

Well, tomorrow is January 18th and we know exactly where we’re going to be at 7pm Central…sitting on the couch, smack-dab in front of the TV! That’s when PBS will be airing the “Pioneers of Television: Science Fiction”!!!

This episode (the Season 2 premiere) is going to be a doozy! It is focusing on 3 major pioneers of sci-fi television; Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek), Rod Serling (Twilight Zone), and Irwin Allen (Lost in Space). Not only will there be backstory and insights to all of these series, but there’s also a bunch of cast interviews including The Shat, Leonard Nimoy and Nichelle Nichols.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art