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William Shatner

According To The Shat, His Star Trek Documentary "The Captains" Is "Being Edited As We Speak"

According To The Shat, His Star Trek Documentary "The Captains" Is "Being Edited As We Speak"

Set for release sometime next year, William Shatner's "The Captains" documentary is coming close to completion. The Shat discussed his new documentary at both Vegas Khhaaann! & Plano Fan Days this, giving little details about the film. Heck, he even filmed portions of the documentary while walking around in the crowds in Vegas. If you don't know about "The Captains", it focuses on the lives of all five Trek captains with full interviews from each.

"We've got a great film, there's a lot of it and we're passionately putting it together. We'll have it ready in the near future. There are extensive interviews and there will be a lot of clips involving actors who played the captain on Star Trek and what elements unify us and what things are divergent about us. There's a great deal that is common among the actors, their experience, their temperaments." Says Shatner

New DVD Set Features Star Trek's Shatner, Nimoy, Kelley, & Doohan In Pre-Trek Westerns

New DVD Set Features Star Trek's Shatner, Nimoy, Kelley, & Doohan  In Pre-Trek Westerns

Before reality TV, scifi, or sitcoms ruled the small screen, westerns we're the studio's cash-cow. Almost every actor in Hollywood played a role on "Bonanza", "The Lone Ranger", "The Outlaws", etc., including William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Deforest Kelley, & James Doohan. Now, a brand new DVD set called "Trek Stars Head West", features the original Enterprise crew in pre-Trek TV westerns from the 50s & 60s. The episodes also include guest starring roles by Robert Redford, Cloris Leachman, & Lon Chaney Jr. Check out the episode list below.

Star Trek Fan Days, Plano, TX. - Post Convention Wrap-Up

Star Trek Fan Days, Plano, TX. - Post Convention Wrap-Up

We had a fantastic time at the Star Trek Fan Days con in Plano, TX. over the weekend. There was a huge turnout of Trek fans in lots of costumes including some of the best Klingons we've seen this side of Star Trek The Experience. The show lasted only two short days and if you watched our live coverage, you know that there were laughs, tears, and some truly great trektastic moments. We'll, maybe there weren't any tears, but it sounded great, didn't it? Anyway, we've finally collected our thoughts and edited our live coverage typos to bring you the post con wrap-up.

"Bleep My Dad Says" Launches Tonight At 8:30/7:30c

"Bleep My Dad Says" Launches Tonight At 8:30/7:30c

Tonight, the long awaited release of William Shatner's brand new TV sitcom "$#*! My Dad Says" (spoken as “Bleep My Dad Says”) is upon us all. For those who aren't in the know, amongst The Shat’s many projects has been this new sitcom in which he plays a 72-year-old father who happens to be very outspoken.

CBS describes Shatner’s character, Ed Goodson as “a forthright and opinionated dad who relishes expressing his unsolicited and often wildly politically incorrect observations to anyone within earshot.” You can read CBS’s full synopsis here

"It Must Be Because I’m Lovable, Charming and Intelligent" Says William Shatner. We Say, Fair Enough!

"It Must Be Because I’m Lovable, Charming and Intelligent" Says Bill Shatner.  Fair Enough!

We love The Shat, I mean, we've made that abundantly clear over the years. It's more than just love, it's also admiration for a man who has never outstayed his welcome in Hollywood. Some may say that he has, but we would argue that Bill simply morphs into another form of himself to stay relevant. You could call him one of the true Hollywood shape-shifters that takes the form of what's necessary to stay in popular culture. In a recent interview with Collider, Bill called it "Survival" and of course made a self-mocking joke about it.

Maybe that's what gives him his true staying power in the popular conscience. He doesn't take himself too seriously. Bill also gives his thoughts on Chris Pine's performance as a young Kirk and if we'll see a Kirk Prime in Star Trek XII. Check out an excerpt from the Collider interview below.

Collider: Have you reflected at all about being an actor that’s never worn out his welcome?

William: That’s true. It must be because I’m lovable, charming and intelligent.

Plano, TX. Star Trek Fan Days To Feature Shatner, Frakes, Spiner, & Lloyd.

Plano, TX. Star Trek Fan Days To Feature Shatner, Frakes, Spiner, & Lloyd.

A new convention almost slipped passed our radar in our very own backyard. A production of C2 Ventures, Inc., Fan Days is one of the various cons operated by C2 in the Dallas Metroplex and just so happens to be Star Trek flavored this year. And, THAT happens to be our favorite flavor.

On board for the con are none other than William Shatner, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, & Christopher Lloyd. We're looking forward to Doc Brown Commander Kruge the most. Not that we don't adore the rest (I mean that Shat's going to be there, but Christopher Lloyd is a rare treat at conventions.

"I live my life as though I'm in a television show" Says William Shatner

"I live my life as though I'm in a television show" Says William Shatner

Well, maybe we fudged a little with that title... The Shat didn't actually say "I live my life as though I'm in a television show", Denny Crane did. According to a video published on, Bill was blown away by that statement, adding "What a concept". The new video is the latest addition in the New York times "Screen Test" series, which is an interesting take on The Shat. To us, it seems more "personal". I put personal in quotes because with William Shatner, you never know if you're listening to Bill or Mr. Shatner or even the alter-alter-ego The Shat.

"I know the real William Shatner.” Says William Shatner

"I know the real William Shatner.” Says William Shatner

We apparently love to write about William Shatner as of late. Yes, he's the Captain of the "original" Enterprise. Sure, he's working on umpteen different television shows as we speak, but there's more to why were fascinated with The Shat. He seems to be a phenomenon. Who is the real William Shatner though? Is it the actor, the icon, the pitchman, the equestrian, the author, or the workaholic? It seems, he's all of them combined.

In a fantastic article from the New York Times, journalist Pat Jordan spent some time with The Shat in Kentucky and chronicled his two day adventure. Much like the "Mind Meld" documentary that was released 10 or so years ago, this article captures a different, more "realistic" side of one of the most famous icons of the last 50 years. Check out a few amazing quote excepts form the article below.

When asked if he has any regret throughout his career, Shatner responded. “Regret is the worst human emotion, If you took another road, you might have fallen off a cliff. I’m content.”

Star Trek Youtube Video Round-up: Shats & Giggles Edition

Star Trek Youtube Video Round-up: Shats & Giggles Edition

We've expressed our affection for The Shat so many times here on our humble website. We've written many an article, talked about his awesomeness in detail, and covered his attempt to take over the world, one TV show at a time. One thing we haven't discussed is his magnetic personality. Well maybe we have, but that's not the point. From playing Captain Kirk to playing himself, The Shat is simply The Shat. He's a force to be reckoned with and his simple smirk and strange halting laugh is a weapon he often uses from his arsenal. Many a beast has been soothed by it and many Orion Slave girls have fallen victim to it. That's why we give you another Star Trek Youtube video round-up: The Shats & Giggles Edition

This is simply the quintessential Kirk laugh.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art