Avery Brooks
All Five Star Trek Captains On Board For Philadelphia Comic Con
We've said it before and we'll say it again, we love Wizard World Comic Cons. They run some of the best conventions in the business. It seems that their world famous Philadelphia Comic Con is shaping up to be, not only a well run convention, but also a Trek fan's dream come true. All five captains are signed on as guests for the upcoming, May 31st through June 3rd convention. That's right woodchuck-chuckers, William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, & Scott Bakula are beaming down to the city of brotherly love. Really, you could say 6 captains will be on board since Chris Hemsworth will also be a featured guest. Chris plays Thor in all the Marvel awesomeness that's going on lately, but he also played George Kirk. He was captain of the USS Kelvin for 12 minutes, after all...
William Shatner's Documentary "The Captains" Available For Streaming On Netflix; With Hidden Awesomeness
So I was cruising Netflix tonight, searching for Chuck Norris's The Delta Force (no lie!) and I stumbled upon William Shatner's documentary The Captains on Watch Instantly. You know the one; it features interviews with all six Star Trek captains... Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, Scott Bakula, and Chris Pine. Oh, and The Shat, of course. I've been meaning to sit down and watch The Captains since release back in July, but I just simply haven't made the time. Now that I have, here are a few takeaways; First, Patrick Stewart seems to be one of the most thoughtful and eloquent actors in the history of the stage, Kate Mulgrew is tough-as-nails and can hold her own with anyone, Avery Brooks is down right crazy & amazing all at the same time, Scott Bakula is extremely down-to-earth, and Chris Pine IS William Shatner 30 years younger. And on top of that, Patrick Stewart's chair is gigantically disproportionate to Shatner's.
Happy Birthday To Star Trek Deep Space Nine's Captain Sisko, Avery Brooks
Today we get the chance to celebrate the birthday of a very original and special actor in all of Trekdom, the one and only Avery Brooks. Of course you know that Avery played the amazing Captain Benjamin Sisko on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. You know, the guy who punched Q in the face and then later poisoned an entire planet. That same man that can "live with" killing a Romulan Senator to bring that same pointed eared very suspicious race into the Dominion war. The Emissary and religious figure to millions of Bajorans and the same icon that later became a non-corporeall being and now calls the celestial temple his home. Anyway, you get the idea.
Avery Brooks & LeVar Burton Participate In New Documentary Showing This Month
A brand new documentary is set to hit the ariwaves at PBS this month. Called "For Love of Liberty: The Story of America’s Black Patriots", the two-part four hour doc uses letters, diaries, speeches, journalistic accounts, historical text and military records to document and acknowledge the sacrifices and accomplishments of African-American service men and women since the earliest days of the republic. And, it includes narration by Avery Brooks plus dramatic readings by LeVar Burton.