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Creator Of The Klingon Language, Marc Okrand, On The Latest SciFi Diner Podcast

Our good friends, Scott & Miles, at The SciFi Diner Podcast just posted their interview with Klingon language creator Marc Okrand. Recorded at the most recent Farpoint Convention, Scott & Miles got to spend time with Mark and talk about his experiences in the Trek universe as well as his time working Disney's Atlantis, creating the Atlantean language.

About Mark (from episode description)

"Trek Nation" & Roddenberry Entertainment's "White Room 02B3" To Debut Internationally At SCI-FI-LONDON

Trek Nation & Roddenberry Entertainment's White Room 02B3 To Debut Internationally At SCI-FI-LONDON

As many of you know, we've been following Rod Roddenberry's documentary Trek Nation for the past few years. Also like many of you, we absolutely loved the film. Now, UK Trek fans can experience the film up close and personal as it makes its international debut at this year’s annual SCI-FI-LONDON film festival May 7th. Along with Trek Nation, the much anticipated Roddenberry Entertainment original production White Room 02B3 will make its world debut the same night. We first heard of White Room back at Vegas Khhaaan! 2011 when Rod Roddenberry took the stage to discuss the groundbreaking 360-degree technology behind the film.

William Shatner Dines With His 1 Millionth Twitter Follower

William Shatner Dines With His 1 Millionth Twitter Follower

Okay, we've seen The Shat up close and person, but we've never sat down to break bread with the big man. One lucky fan can indeed claim that they've had the honor... Yeah, we're jealous. @WilliamShatner twitter follower Troy Pound was the lucky 1 millionth that earned the right to have dinner with Sir Billiam. While In South Carolina for his one man show Shatner's World: We Just Live In It, Bill made good on the promise and took Troy and his wife out to a fancy restaurant and then posted a brief video on YouTube to celebrate.

A Very Happy Birthday To Star Trek's George Takei

A Very Happy Birthday to Star Trek's George Takei

All around the globe, 4/20 is celebrated for a very special reason. No, it's not fact it's something even better. It's George Takei's birthday! It seems that every year George becomes more relevant and spectacular. We've seen him a handful of times at various conventions and he's always fascinating (for the lack of a better word). In fact, George will be on stage at the upcoming Comicpalooza in Houston this May. We'll be there as well and on the edge of our seats for his panel. We love George for his acting ability, his whit, his social activism, and because he smells like a million bucks. So, on this very special day, we'd like to celebrate by watching Star Trek VI, tons of TOS, and by sending a very warm Happy Birthday to the man who helped make Trek what it is today.

LeVar Burton Continues His Fight For Child Literacy In New PSA

Before LeVar was the chief engineer (or helmsman for the matter) on the Enterprise, he was inspiring children to read on Reading Rainbow. LeVar continues his fight for child literacy today by joining several other celebrities in a new PSA for the non-profit Reading Is Fundamental. The quirky, and well made, PSA consists of a video sequence featuring children's literature heroes and a song produced by The Roots with vocal support from Jack Black, Chris Martin, John Legend, Jim James, Jason Schwartzman, Nate Ruess, Melanie Fiona, Carrie Brownstein, Regina Spektor and Consequence. LeVar handles the voice over and appears as a cameo in the video.

Eat Breakfast With Klingons And Live To Tell About It. (BayouCon 2012)

Eat Breakfast With Klingons And Live To Tell About It

It’s getting closer to June and that means closer to BayouCon in Lake Charles LA. They have some fabulous guests lined up including J.G. Hertzler (DS9Martok), Robert O’Reilly (DS9 – Chancellor Gowron), and Larry Nemecek (Author of Star Trek The Next Generation Companion and the TNG Concordance). Besides all the cool stuff we previously told you BayouCon is putting on (like J.G & Robert in full Klingon costume) we’re pleased to let you know about the latest addition to the cool-stuff lineup…A Klingon Breakfast!  And it’s presented by yours truly. That’s right, Subspace Communique will be presenting J.G Hertzler and Robert O’Reilly to a group of 30 excited fans who get to chat with the Klingons guys while they spend time at each table. Besides chatting one-on-one, the breakfast’s attendees will be able to take pictures with J.G. and Robert…so don’t forget your cameras!

Nichelle Nichols To Host Nasa's FameLab Astrobiology Finals From Atlanta Tomorrow Night (April 16th)

Nichelle Nichols To Host Nasa's FameLab Astrobiology Finals From Atlanta Tomorrow Night

So, for the past 35+ years Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols has been heavily involved with NASA's public relations department. From recruiting astronauts and public speaking, to singing at the Kennedy Space Center, Nichelle has done her fair share for the space program. Tomorrow night (April 16th), the lovely lieutenant will host the finals for Nasa's FameLab Astrobiology contest, live via NasaTV and streaming on the web.

Check out Larry Nemecek At CyPhaCon in Lake Charles, Louisiana This Weekend

Lake Charles, Louisiana is a hotbed of activity for Star Trek and scifi fans alike. We've told you about BayouCon recently and even live blogged from the event last year. Oh, and we'll have some exciting news about BayouCon in the coming days. This weekend though, Subspace Communique friend, Star Trek author and fount of knowledge Larry Nemecek will be headlining another event in Lake Charles called CyphaCon.

Marina Sirtis, Michael Dorn, & John De Lancie Headline Fan Expo Canada This Month

Marina Sirtis, Michael Dorn, & John De Lancie Headline Fan Expo Canada This Month

What do a telepath, a Klingon, and a god-like being have in common? Well, it's not those fabulous bouffant hairdos. No, in fact it's quite the opposite and more Canadian.. That's right woodchuck-chuckers, Marina Sirtis, Michael Dorn, & John de Lancie will be headlining the upcoming Fan Expo Canada in Vancouver. Not only will you get to see some of your favorite TNG's stars, but the expo features stars from all across the scifi universe. Stargate SG-1, SGU, Battlestar Galactica, Sanctuary, Smallville, & the freakin' The Hulk, just to name a few. Check out all the details below.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art
Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
Ex Astris Excellentia Award
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