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One great gift idea for any Star Trek fan!

One great gift idea for any Star Trek fan!

A great idea if you don’t know what to give your fellow Star Trek fan would be to get him/her a collector’s box of playing cards!

This box looks really cool with the text “Beam me up” written all over it. This tin box is also marked up with good old Kirk and the cards are all marked up with images from the original series. This deck is available through

It’s William Shatner’s Birthday, Yo!

Hey out there, in case you haven’t heard, it’s William Shatner’s birthday! Yah, we spelled out his name for that. It’s special. It’s March 22nd, his 81st birthday and he’s showing NO signs of slowing down…or aging, for that matter. I gotta say, he looks fantastic on and off screen!! I hope I look that good when I’m 81.

Life After Trek Podcast Episode 19 Geek Nation Tours Special Featuring Larry Nemecek & Teras Cassidy

Life After Trek Podcast Episode 19 Geek Nation Tour Special Featuring Larry Nemecek & Teras Cassiday

We’re pleased to announce episode 19 of our “Life After Trek” podcast, the Geek Nation Tours Special, featuring Larry Nemecek & Teras Cassidy. Larry & Teras sit down with us to talk about their upcoming Geek Nation Tours project "Exploring Trek Sites: Hollywood To Vegas With Larry Nemecek". Born from a meeting at Vegas Khhaaan! 2011, Larry & Teras have partnered to offer a tour just prior to, and including, Vegas. In this tour Larry will guide the group around tons of Star Trek related sites located in Southern California. Some of the sites they will be visiting are the gardens used as Starfleet Academy, Paramount Studios, the site of the Kirk vs. Gorn battle (with a visit from the “Gorn himself”, Bobby Clark), and many many more. Check out the Geek Nation Tours website for more info.

Data Feed: Star Trek’s John De Lancie Added To Dallas Comic Con May Roster

Data Feed: Star Trek’s John De Lancie Added To Dallas Comic Con May RosterStar Trek’s Q, otherwise known as John De Lancie, is the newest guest added to the Dallas Comic Con Roster. As we previously reported, Patrick Stewart is also attending. How perfect is it now that the two polar opposite characters of TNG are going to both be represented. We’re hoping that they will share stage time on a two man panel so we can see a little of the old Q vs. Picard shenanigans we all love.

Dallas Comic Con
May 19-20, 2012
Irving Convention Center 500 W Los Colinas Blvd
Irving, TX (At intersection of 114 and NW Highway)
Official Website

Brent Spiner's Webseires "Fresh Hell" Returns March 23rd

Brent Spiner's Webseires "Fresh Hell" Returns March 23rd

It's hard to believe that it's been nearly a year since the launch of Brent Spiner's popular webseries, Fresh Hell. If you're not familiar with it, Fresh Hell follows Brent as he's reeling from hitting rock bottom. What caused his sudden meteoric fall and societal pariah status? Well, we only know it as "the incident". According to the first episode, his situation is so bad that OJ Simpson has a better chance of a career recovery. Yeah, it's pretty funny.

Geek Fights Episode 92: Most Mediocre Star Trek Episode W/ Even More Awesome

Geek Fights Episode 92: Most Mediocre Star Trek Episode W/ Even More Awesome

We've been making the rounds lately on a few of our favorite podcasts. Heck, what can I say, it's always an honor when someone asks us back to their show. Huh, maybe I wasn't as big of  space-douche (also know as a Pakled) last time as I thought I was... Anyway, I had the pleasure of being on another installment of one of our favs;Geek Fights. What's the topic this time, you ask? Well, Damon and the fellas served up the most mediocre Star Trek episode. We hashed this bad boy out for over 2 hours and it wasn't nearly as easy as it sounds. Think about it. Mediocre. Not good, not bad, just somewhere in the middle. We had tons of fun, though, and think that you'll really enjoy listening to this episode. Check out the download links and full episode description below.

Trekland Ira Seven Behr Interview Finale Released

Trekland Ira Seven Behr Interview Finale Released

Our good friend and Trek author / historian extraordinaire, Larry Nemecek, just released the final video in his interview series with Ira Steven Behr. As you all know, Ira was the showrunner & executive producer for much of Deep Space Nine's 7 season run. Larry recorded the interview last year and slowly released it in a 4 part series on Youtube. Throughout the interview Larry & Ira discuss his time working on Syfy's Alphas, The 4400, and of course his time in TNG & Deep Space Nine.

Star Trek's Wil Wheaton, J.G. Hertzler, & Robert O'Reilly At Polaris 26 In July

Star Trek's Wil Wheaton, J.G. Hertzler, & Robert O'Reilly At Polaris 26 In July

What do a boy-genius and two Klingons have in common? Well besides the obvious (yeah, we don't get it either...) they'll be in Toronto for the 26th annual Polaris Convention this July. Wil Wheaton, J.G. Hertzler, and Robert O'Reilly are slated for the event scheduled for July 6th-8th (2012) at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel. We'd love to make the "trek" to the Great White North, and if past Polaris Conventions are any indication, they'll be adding more guest as we draw closer to July.

Data Feed: The SciFi Diner Podcast Featuring Bye Bye, Robot & Subspace Communique

The SciFi Diner Podcast Featuring Bye Bye, Robot & Subspace CommuniqueWe had the great pleasure of being guests on one of our favorite podcasts; The SciFi Diner. Scott & Miles invited us on to talk about our other Trek venture, plus our recent trip to Dallas for the SciFi Expo. Check out the full description below and be sure to download the episode. Scott & Miles always put on a fantastic show.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art
Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
Ex Astris Excellentia Award
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