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'Quinto A Good Pick' Says Nimoy

'Quinto A Good Pick' Says NimoyIn a recent interview with the Boston Globe, Leonard Nimoy talks about how Zachary Quinto was a good choice to dawn Spocks pointed ears.

"Zachary Quinto is a very intelligent actor, and he's serious about his work, and he looks enough like me to make the whole thing work," Nimoy told the newspaper about Quinto's role in the upcoming "Trek" film from director J.J. Abrams. (source United Press)

Rod Roddenberry Talks "It's not your father's Star Trek'

Rod Roddenberry Talks "It's not your father's Star Trek'In his latest video log Rod Roddenberry, Son of Gene and Majel Roddenberry, discusses the latest 'Star Trek' TV ads.  These latest ads include the tagline 'It's not your father's Star Trek'.  Rod has been asked by several fans if he finds the ads offensive.

Also included in the video log, Rod talks about the upcoming 'A Star Trek XI Roddenberry Evening'.

View the video log here.

'Star Trek' Cast Video Interviews

'Star Trek' Cast Video InterviewsThe Insider sat down over the weekend and talked to J.J. Abrams, Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto.

J.J. Abrams tells "The Insider" that he wasn't always a huge "Star Trek" fan but this movie will unite old and new fans.

"I'm a little late to the party but I love it now," Abrams admits. "The script has rewards for people who had watched and loved "Star Trek," but if you've never seen it before -- that's the audience I made the movie for."

'Star Trek' Cast Press Conference

'Star Trek' Cast Press ConferenceAs reported on, some of the cast from the new J.J. Abrams film 'Star Trek' Attended a press conference over the weekend. In attendance were Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban and Bruce Greenwood.

Q: Mr. Nimoy, you had a chance to appear in Star Trek: The Next Generation, but that didn’t work out. Why was this the ideal chance to bridge the old Star Trek with the new Star Trek?

Trekcast 25 available on iTunes

Trekcast 25 available on iTunesTrekcast just launched another episode on iTunes.

First off we set Jason the original co-host of Trekcast loose at H.M.S. Creative Productions and he provides us with a great interview, not only do these guys know Trek but they built it.

Chris Pine On Meeting William Shatner

Chris Pine On Meeting William ShatnerOver the weekend William Shatner hosted his 19th annual Hollywood Charity Horse Show in Burbank, CA.  Several celebrities were in attendance including the second man to take on the role of Captain James T. Kirk.  In an article by, Chris Pine talks about the intergalactic meeting.

'Star Trek' Launch Party At Star Trek: The Exhibition

'Star Trek' Launch Party At Star Trek: The ExhibitionThe Detroit Science Center, current host to Star Trek: The Exhibition, is holding a 'Star Trek' launch party May 7th.

Shimerman Voices For 'Batman: The Brave & The Bold'

Shimerman Voices For 'Batman: The Brave & The Bold'Armin Shimerman, our favorite DS9'er, will soon be playing 'The Calculator' in 'Batman: The Brave & The Bold'.

An admittedly late bloomer in the voice acting field, Shimerman has been making up for lost time with Batman: The Brave & the Bold. On Friday, May 1st, he will voice the role of The Calculator. James Tucker and Mike Jelenic like him so much, he will be returning as two other characters in future episodes this season. One will be as a Green Lantern guardian. The other he won’t say.

'Star Trek' On The Cover Of Newsweek's May Issue

'Star Trek' On Cover Of Newsweek May IssueNewsweek has released a preview of it's May issue containing a Enterprise clad cover and articles featuring our favorite sci-fi series.  We've put together a brief overview and links to the articles already available on

We’re All Trekkies Now - 'Star Trek' is way cool. How'd that happen? Because the geeks have inherited the earth, and the White House.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art
Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
Ex Astris Excellentia Award
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