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Shatner's 'Star Trek' Deleted Scenes Detailed

Shatner's 'Star Trek' Deleted Scenes Detailed

In a recent article by io9, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman give us a glimpse at the William Shatner scenes that were never meant to be.

You've heard why Shatner's Kirk wasn't included in Star Trek. (He was dead, for one thing.) But Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman tried to write him in, and they walked us through their Shatner scene.

Alex Kurtzman: We had a scene with Shatner, and that ended up going.

Roberto Orci: Right, we had a scene with Shatner.

io9: Did that even get tossed around at all?

Orci: We wrote it, it was in the script.

Kurtzman: The very last scene when Spock and Spock meet each other, finally. And elder Spock is convincing young Spock that he couldn't interfere, because it would have diverted [Kirk and Spock] away from their friendship. And that their friendship is the key to the whole sort of shebang.

Orci: He gave him a recorded message from Kirk. (source io9)

Read the full article here.

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