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Creation Entertainment

Groupon Deal Vegas Khhaaan! Discounted Day Pass

Hey Kids, looks like there's a Groupon deal that allows you to buy a single day pass to Creation Entertainment's Star Trek Las Vegas Convention at half off.  You have the choice of any of the four days starting Thursday, August 8th for $17.50.  Friday is also $17.50 with Saturday and Sunday for $20 each.  The downside is that you can only get one day at the discounted rate.  You have the option of buying two additional days as gifts.  If you're going for just one day or you have a group of 4 buddies that can buy each other "gift" days, it could be a good deal (that may or may not work...your mileage may vary).

There's Still Time To Participate With 'Experience The Enterprise' But Hurry, It's Going Fast

MAKE IT SO!!! Be part of this great effort!! There's still a little time to get in on the fun. Bring the bridge of the Enterprise-D to Vegas. Who knows...maybe traveling to Vegas will be just the thing it needs to get traveling time maybe even to your neck of the galaxy woods.

Help Bring Star Trek's Enterprise-D Bridge To Creation's Vegas Convention In August

Help Bring Star Trek's Enterprise-D Bridge To Creation's Vegas Convention In August

As you well know (...anyway...I'm assuming you do...after all, your only source of online info & entertainment is us, right?... right?!?) Subspace Communique reported on the Enterprise Bridge Restoration Project back in February 2013 on “Life After Trek.” Well, much has happened since then, and now, Trek Radio is teaming up with Huston Huddleston’s New Starship to bring the iconic Enterprise-D bridge to Creation Entertainment’s Star Trek Las Vegas convention this August. This is your chance to help bring this cool memorabilia to the Rio where you'll actually be able to sit in one of the bridge chairs, and bark, "Make it so!" or shout, "FIRE!" Don't miss out on making this dream a reality!

The Return of the Grand Slam

The weekend following Valentine’s Day marked the return of the Grand Slam Sci-Fi Summit in Southern California after an absence from the convention circuit for a few years. The event had been a major affair in the sci-fi world, but especially with Star Trek, for nearly twenty years and had been prominently displayed in the Trekkies documentaries and on various media productions.

Despite attendance dropping due to the growing popularity of the Las Vegas Star Trek Convention and a move to different locations (first starting in Pasadena, then Burbank, next to LAX, and then back to Burbank again), the Grand Slam has had a loyal following and ended up having a more intimate feel than many of the other conventions of similar genres with thousands of attendees.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art