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Star Trek + Turkey = Best Thanksgiving Ever!

If you're going to be celebrating your Thanksgiving holiday anywhere near Indianapolis this year, you have one more thing to be thankful awesome Star Trek convention!

That's right! It's that time again, and Starbase Indy is having their yearly convention just in time to celebrate the holiday twice. The convention starts on Friday November 29th and spans the whole weekend. They have a bunch of guests this year, including three big names from Star Trek. Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Armin Shimerman (Quark), and Suzie Plakson (Worf's mate K'Ehelyr) will be guests this year, along with several actors from Stargate SG1. We love the big DS9 presence, considering that it's the show's 20th anniversary, this year!

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art