Jerad Formby
'Hey, Star Trek! are you EXPERIENCED!?' By Jerad Formby
Our favorite blogger and former Star Trek: The Experience cast member Jerad Formby takes us down a wonderfully reminiscent tour of his former haunt. Star Trek: The Experience was Mecca for trek fans and we had the fantastic 'experience' of visiting it in it's prime. For those of you Trek Fans that missed visiting, be sure to read Jerad's post. He does an awesome job of capturing the atmosphere.
'Hey, Star Trek! gotchoo new FIVE YEAR MISSION!? By Jerad 'Super Spock' Formby
Jerad takes us on a new five year mission featuring the crew of the enterprise from J.J. Abrams 'Star Trek'. That's right gentle beings, it's time for a brand new installment of 'Hey, Star Trek!'.
My original foray into fan fiction brought me lots of encouragement (some were even posted in its comments). In the spirit of invention, Hey Star Trek! Brings you another sweet adventure with the Abrams crew as they embark on the five year mission.
'Hey, Star Trek! dijoo stop making sense!? By Jerad Formby
Have we said recently how much we love Jerad Formby's 'Hey, Star Trek!' blog? Oh, we have? Sorry? Anyway, our favorite blogger is back and he's taking on stardates and outer space. You know, no-one can hear your scream there.
40 Years of Star Trek is a lot to keep straight. I don’t envy a single writer involved. I probably feel worst for the especially nerdy writers like Ronald D. Moore and Manny Coto.
'Hey, Star Trek! howcha like yer POTTER!?' By Jerad Formby
Hey, Star Trek! Gotchoo MAGIC WAND?! That's not really the title, but Jerad does take on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
The Harry Potter fan reaction to the new movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is wildly polarized. I haven’t seen this sort of reaction before.
'Hey, Star Trek! watchoo mean ACTION!?' By Jerad Formby
Jerad Formby hits the internet with another post on his fantastic 'Hey, Star Trek!' blog. This time Jerad explores the differences between Star Trek and other popular space operas as well as Trek's approach to science fiction. Great stuff and it's a must read for Sci-fi fans.
From the time that I was a wee tike, the night sky fascinated me. I loved the stars above and the possibilities that pushed my imagination in so many happy and wondrous directions.
'Hey, Star Trek! dijoo coin A PHRASE!?' New Blog Post By Jerad Formby
A brand new 'Hey, Star Trek!' is swinging in on a whip and barely grabbing it's fedora before the door slams shut. This time Jerad talks about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.