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'Hey, Star Trek! watchoo problem FOX!?' By Jerad Formby

'Hey, Star Trek! watchoo problem FOX!?' By Jerad Formby

Our favorite blogger, Jerad Formby, has posted another entry in his popular  'Hey, Star Trek!' series over at  This time Jerad talks about Ron D. Moore's new series? movie? thing; 'Virtuality'.  No, it's not starring Russel Crowe or Denzel Washington.

Here’s an old question with a new twist. I’m not asking how long until Fox cancels Ronald D. Moore’s Virtuality, I’m asking how long until Fox picks it up? The show aired as something called a “backdoor” pilot, wherein everyone’s fine leaving it as a TV movie (except its creators) but if the audience wants more of it –everything’s ready to load in from actors to storylines.

And what a storyline it is!

Ready for your science fiction show to begin and end in the civil war? Ready for your science fiction show to be on a spaceship? Ready for your science fiction show to utilize a “slingshot” around Neptune? Ready for your science fiction show to try and save the world? Ready for your science fiction show to utilize reality TV show stars?

Your show is here. It’s created by Ronald D. Moore and Micheal Taylor. Those are two of the biggest hitters from the new Battlestar Galactica and they’ve developed something awesome for FOX. (source

Read the full article here.

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