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'Hey, Star Trek! watchoo mean ACTION!?' By Jerad Formby

'Hey, Star Trek! watchoo mean ACTION!?' By Jerad Formby

Jerad Formby hits the internet with another post on his fantastic 'Hey, Star Trek!' blog.  This time Jerad explores the differences between Star Trek and other popular space operas as well as Trek's approach to science fiction.  Great stuff and it's a must read for Sci-fi fans.

From the time that I was a wee tike, the night sky fascinated me. I loved the stars above and the possibilities that pushed my imagination in so many happy and wondrous directions.

The media at the time, back in the early eighties, did much to shape the circles my mind would spin in. Alien life was demonstrated in E.T., Star Wars made space just a little bit scary, and Star Trek reserved that place in the back of my mind that turned the “what if” into something that seemed real.

Star Wars and Star Trek always get compared (even more so by formula this year), but I want to take a time out this week and talk a little bit about what makes Star Trek different from its space faring brothers and sisters. I’m sure you already know that I think the Trek is superior to the other models, so I’ll use this space to explain only why it is different.

Since you already know that I think it’s superior. (source Trekcast)

Read the full article here.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art