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Urban Interviewed By The Shatner Project

Urban Interviewed By The Shatner Project

If you didn't know, William Shatner has his own Youtube channel called 'The Shatner Project'.  In the most recently released video we see Karl Urban (Dr. McCoy in Star Trek XI) interviewed at The Shat's Hollywood Charity Horse Show.

Urban is asked all about his role as Bones including how he prepared for the role and if he actually watched Star Trek as a lad.  Check out the video below.

China's Space Program Rips Off UFP / Starfleet Logos

China's Space Program Rips Off UFP / Starfleet Logos

As reported by, the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) has ripped off both the United Federation of Planets & Starfleet logos.  They've combined the two into a graphic design warp core breach.

Eric Bana Enjoyed Playing A Baddie

Eric Bana Enjoyed Playing A Baddie

In a recent interview with ITN, Eric Bana talks about what it was like playing Nero, why he enjoyed the part so much, and his upcoming project with Seth Rogan & Adam Sandler.

He said of the part: "It is fun playing a baddie. I think it's nice not being the lead where you're in a position where you're not the moral compass of the story. You're there to provide the dramatic impetus.

"It's invigorating and it's also fun having making up and essentially visually disappearing."

'Hey, Star Trek! dijoo see TERMINATOR!?' Take that John Connor

'Hey, Star Trek! dijoo see TERMINATOR!?' Take that John Connor

Jerad hits the internet with a brand new blog post.  This time 'Hey, Star Trek!' takes on Terminator Salvation.

Shatner Chats Tekwar Graphic Novel & Raw Nerve

Shatner Chats Tekwar Graphic Novel & Raw Nerve

In a recent article with Wired Magazine, William Shatner talks about everything but Star Trek.  A new 'Tekwar' graphic novel, more 'Raw Nerve', and possibly a remake of 'T.J. Hooker' are all on The Shats radar.

Exclusive Star Trek D-A-C Review

Exclusive Star Trek D-A-C Review

Star Trek: D-A-C
Review By Damon A. Shaw

Star Trek D-A-C is the BEST Star Trek game EVER!!...Ok so I'm exaggerating a bit but who are we kidding, there aren't really very many great Trek games.  Star Trek D.A.C is a top down shooter with decent graphics and awkward controls that consumes four to five hours of my day. There are three modes to the game Deathmatch, Assault, and Conquest (hence the name D-A-C). There are two sides, Federation or Romulan, and three classes of ships.  More on the ships later.

Complete Your Dress Unifrom W/ Star Trek Cufflinks

Complete Your Dress Unifrom W/ Star Trek Cufflinks

As reported by, Cufflinks Inc. has released an officially licensed set of cufflinks featuring the Starfleet delta shield.  Other designs are slated for a summer release.

Cufflinks Inc is debuting a line of Star Trek branded Cufflinks, licensed from CBS Consumer Products, for a Spring 2009 release.

Deforest Kelley Book Debuts as #1 Nonfiction E-Book

Deforest Kelley Bio Debuts as #1 Nonfiction E-Book

A newly-released e-book, The Enduring Legacy of DeForest Kelley: Actor, Healer, Friend, written by Kelley's former personal assistant Kristine M Smith, skyrocketed immediately to first place in the non-fiction category at upon its May 1st release, where it has resolutely remained for three weeks.

Path To 2409 update: 2388

Path To 2409 update: 2388

Star Trek Online has just released a new edition to their on-going series 'Path to 2409'.  With the destruction of Romulas and the loss of the senate, The Romulan Star Empire is in complete disarray.

Fallout from the destruction of the Romulan system dominates interstellar events in 2388.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art
Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
Ex Astris Excellentia Award
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