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George Takei Is Proud Of Star Trek's Legacy

George Takei Is "Proud" Of Star Trek's Legacy

As most of you know, our favorite helmsman turned captain, George Takei, was a guest at the Motor City ComicCon over the weekend. Along with Kate Mulgrew & Brent Spiner, George was available for photo-ops & autographs to the pleasure of Detroit Area Trek Fans. Right before the con though, George was interviewed by The Detroit news. There, He spills the beans on his role in "Supah Ninjas" and why he called out Warner Bros. over their "Akira" casting choices, but more importantly we learn that George is very proud of Star Trek's legacy.

"I'm proud of that legacy. It's become a landmark in television history, and to be associated with something like that is an enormous asset to an actor. … " He continues, "I've done plays totally unrelated to "Star Trek" up and down Great Britain. I've played Japanese soldiers, Chinese emperors, a wizard. But when I come out of the stage door, there are all these "Star Trek" fans with their books, their action figures — all that memorabilia. My fans are very loyal. It's been a great professional asset, as well as a source of personal pride."

He also relates his favorite convention story involving a certain chief engineer & one Neil Armstrong.

"It was Jimmy Doohan's (Scotty on "Star Trek") final convention — it was a tribute to Jimmy. Neil Armstrong showed up. We are actors who portrayed a vision of what our future might be. But the man who really lived our step into the future showed up to our convention. It turned out he was a Scotty fan. That was astounding that we had connected with a man who himself was making history in terms of our moving out into space and we fictionally did that. I think Jimmy felt very honored."

Check out the full article here.

(Source The Detroit News)

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