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Finances May Torpedo Riverside Iowa's Trek Fest

Finances May Torpedo Riverside Iowa's Trek Fest

Since 1985 the self proclaimed future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk has held it's annual Trek Fest, drawing Star Trek fans worldwide. This year though, Trek Fest is in danger of boldly going the way of the dodo (bird that is) due to financial restraints. According to an article on, the Riverside City Council failed to pass a motion giving funds to the Riverside Area Community Club (RACC), the group responsible for Trek Fest.

“I think the club and everybody presumed it was kind of a done deal,” Said Bill Poch, RACC board member. “If they can’t get some kind of help and funding they may just take a pass on the event this year". The RACC is normally given funding for Trek Fest (and scholarships and blood drives) from a hotel/motel tax on the Riverside Hotel & Casino. With which 50 percent of the tax is earmarked to support tourism and economic development events.

Unfortunately some city councilors feel that they've given enough.“We’ve given so much, we thought we’d done our fair share of support,” Said city councilor Kevin Kiene. If no resolution is decided upon by the end of April, the RACC may have to abandon Trek Fest all together. “I can’t believe they don’t want some kind of community celebration to happen,” Poch said. “I wish somebody would step up and say, ‘Let’s sit down and talk about this.'"

Trek Fest 27 is tentatively scheduled for June 24-25, 2011.

Visit the official Trek Fest website here.

Check out the full article here.

(quote source

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art