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Star Trek Rock…No Longer Just For Space Hippies

Star Trek Rock…Not Just Space Hippies Anymore
photo by Jennifer Parker

When we used to think of Star Trek music, it immediately called to mind one of two things, either space hippies (yeah brother) or the TOS theme. That “image” has now changed in our brains forever. While at the Starbase Indy convention in Indianapolis recently, we had the great pleasure of seeing Five Year Mission perform live. We had no idea what to expect as we watched them take the stage sporting their original series styled uniforms and picking up their instruments. As soon as they began playing, though, we realized we were in for a great treat.

Five Year Mission hit the audience with awesome vocals and music, while retaining the tongue-in-cheek vibe they exuded from their outfits and lyrics. Speaking of lyrics, they’re a Trek fan’s dream come true. The songs are full of TOS story lines, witticisms, and inside Trek jokes. Some of the TOS episodes they sing about include; “The Cage”, “Charlie X”, and “The Corbomite Maneuver”. So, it’s no surprise that they describe themselves as a collaboration of five Star Trek fans who endeavor to write and record a song for each of the episodes of the original Star Trek series from the 1960s. We love the show, and we wanted to create something that we could share with other fans and something we would have a blast doing.

Video for “Charlie X”

Video for “The Naked Time”

Video for “The Man Trap”

We aren’t professional music reviewers, so we don’t have any fancy words to throw your way, but we can tell you that we totally dug them. We picked up the album at the convention and listened to it on our 17 hour drive back home. Now that we know this one by heart we can’t wait for the next album to be released! You can get a copy of their current album here

Be sure to check out some great pictures from their recent photo shoot here.

Five Year Mission official Website

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art