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Tomorrow Night (December 14th) Is Star Trek Night On The Bio Channel

Tomorrow Night (December 14th) Is Star Trek Night On The Bio Channel

Advanced warning for tomorrow night!! This Tuesday is Trek Night on the Biography Channel!!! Grab your tricorder and beam to your couch for four hours of Trek fun!! Biography Channel will be playing “The Captains of the Final Frontier” and “Star Trek: Beyond the Final Frontier” back to back…and when you’ve finished watching both shows…stay put, because you can watch them all over again when they are immediately replayed. All this fun begins tomorrow night at 8pm Eastern/7pm Central (Tuesday Dec 14th) on the Biography Channel.

Here’s what the Bio Channel has to say about the shows.

“The Captains of the Final Frontier”
Star Trek: the most influential science fiction television series of all time. What began as a cult favorite, stands today as a worldwide phenomenon that only grows stronger with each new addition. And at the center of it all stand the fearless captains of each Star Trek generation: a class of iconic characters whose leadership and choices changed the course of their own universe forever. This two-hour special will relive, analyze and shed new light on the incredible triumphs and epic failures of the most legendary leaders in Starfleet history. We're gathering the biggest names and foremost experts on the subject and weaving their never-before-heard accounts and stories with the most exciting, awe-inspiring and iconic clips, footage and photos. It's an in-depth look at those who have boldly taken the series to new and unexpected heights.

"Star Trek: Beyond the Final Frontier"
For forty years Star Trek has engrossed our imaginations and sent us on voyages across the galaxy. Through ten films and five series this entertainment juggernaut has become a pop culture icon and a window to our society. We will look at the impact that Star Trek has had on fans around the world. From the conventions in Europe and Las Vegas to the billionaire collector who scours the world for memorabilia, we will try to find out just what it is about this supposedly "silly" series that has meant so much to so many. Leonard Nimoy hosts.

"Beyond The Final Frontier" also closely follows the 2006 Christie's auction were Trek fans shelled out over $7 million for beloved series and movie artifacts. Plus, you get to see our good friend Giles Aston take home the fabled "Robin Hood" & "Reman Viceroy" outfits from TNG / Nemesis.


Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art