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Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy Has Emergency Abdominal Surgery

Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy Has Emergency Abdominal Surgery

We just got word that Leonard Nimoy underwent an emergency abdominal surgery and according to his rep is "recovering beautifully." The 79 year-old actor was set to appear at the Chicago Star Trek Convention & a special event in Long Beach, CA this weekend, but obviously had to cancel to due to what they're calling "a minor benign abdominal surgery."

According to the Creation Entertainment website, "We regret to announce that due to a personal family emergency Leonard Nimoy will not be attending today's (October 22) Star Trek Convention in Chicago. Armin Shimerman (Quark) will be filling in the stage spot for Mr. Nimoy this afternoon. Mr. Nimoy had minor benign abdominal surgery but is recovering beautifully. He thanks you for all the get well wishes and he's doing great.

All those with separate Leonard Nimoy autograph tickets or photo op tickets can use those as "cash" at the convention over the weekend or can return them to our office for a refund. All those that signed up for Mr. Nimoy's photography seminar can also use those tickets as "cash" at the convention over the weekend or can return them to our office for a refund.""

The story was leaked earlier today by and as of now, no other information is available. We'll keep you posted as more news is made available.

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