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Quantum Entanglement, A Precursor To The Transporter

Quantum entanglement, A Precursor To The Transporter

Quantum entanglement is a theory that dates back to Einstein, something he called "spooky action at a distance". Theoretical physicists believe that this "entanglement" could be a way of transporting objects across galaxies.

"According to the quantum theory, everything vibrates," theoretical physicist Michio Kaku tells NPR's Guy Raz. "When two electrons are placed close together, they vibrate in unison. When you separate them, that's when all the fireworks start."

"An invisible umbilical cord emerges connecting these two electrons. And you can separate them by as much as a galaxy if you want. Then, if you vibrate one of them, somehow on the other end of the galaxy the other electron knows that its partner is being jiggled."

There is, however, one down side. Apparently, you must first be destroyed to then be put back together. Kaku says, that "you have to be destroyed in order to have your body teleported to the other side of the room. So if you've been destroyed and teleported, then who is that person there? They have the same memory, the same jokes, the same everything, except the original was destroyed in the process of being teleported."

I'm pretty sure, I don't want to be destroyed.

(quote source NPR)

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