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April Fool's Day, Star Trek Style. 2 fibs and 1 truth. Maybe

April Fool's Day, Star Trek Style. 2 fibs and 1 truith. Maybe

Oh, April Fool's Day.  The one day of the year where everyone gets to pull a fast one on unsuspecting friends and family.  Now, it's simply known as the day you can't believe a single thing you read on the internet.   From Google changing it's name to Topeka to news of the Star Trek sequel, the net full of tom foolery today.  We found two articles that we thought were quite funny, as well as a possible truth concerning filming date for Star Trek XII.  Check out the details below.

Star Trek XII Script Leaked.

Big news today from the J.J. Abrams camp: the script for the next movie in the rebooted Star Trek franchise was leaked to multiple websites late last night.  The following contains spoilers for the upcoming movie, so spoilerphobes, avert your eyes.

The movie apparently starts a year after the end of the last film.  Kirk and his merry crew have been working an assignment in deep space, and are returning to Federation space for some well-deserved R&R.  However, at the space station where they make port, all is not well.  The Commander in charge of the station is dealing with way too many fires at once, and Kirk and Co. are the beacons of shining hope she's been waiting to turn up and help put them out.

A rascally trader (casting sheet calls for "a Jack Sparrow type") has brought aboard the station an unknown species of cute, non-sentient, pocket-sized aliens, which have in the course of a few days already caused catastrophic problems aboard the station, including contaminating the food supply and clogging air and power ducts.  (source

Read the rest of the article here.

New Star Trek Series getting ready for launch.

Real TV Addict has learned that Paramount, still high off last summer’s successful relaunch of the Star Trek franchise, has been secretly working on a brand new Trek TV series.  Memos have surfaced pointing to a surprise panel at this weekends Wondercon in San Francisco as being the official announcement of Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, the long rumored and hoped for by fans look at the training academy for all future Starfleet officers.

Apparently, the marketing guys down at Paramount tracked huge numbers of movie goers who pointed to the Academy scenes in J.J. Abrams Star Trek as their favorite moments.  This led Abrams’ right hand man (and Lost mastermind) Damon Lindelof to rifle through the archives and pull up an old spec script for a Starfleet Academy pilot penned by former showrunner Rick Berman and none other than ST: Deep Space Nine’s Avery Brooks back during his final season as Captain Benjamin Sisco.  Perhaps Brooks thought a transfer of his character to the Academy would be a good career move?  Seeing him at Comic Con last year, I’d say he’d make an interesting dean.

The announcement at Wondercon makes perfect sense as San Francisco has been the home of Starfleet since the very beginning of the franchise.  The memo in questions highlights a number of key moments in the presentation including “unveiling the model,” “100 slides of production artwork,” and “multiple cast members.” Bloggers and online sites are now in a mad rush to discover who could possibly be involved in the show.  Being a registered member of the Wondercon press, I think it is very interesting that I received an email release two days ago announcing the appearance of Zac Effron this weekend.  Why?  He has nothing in the geek realm to promote unless… he’s been accepted as a new Starfleet cadet?

A fellow blogger also took note of Wil Wheaton talking at the Pax East gaming conference in Boston last week about his return to television.  Seems his guest spots on The Big Bang Theory have really gotten him excited about acting again and a “perfect opportunity” has come knocking.  This is all speculation at this point, but Wheaton’s Wesley Crusher has already applied for the Academy once before, could it be he has chosen the teacher’s path?  Planets certainly do seem to be aligning for Star Trek’s return to our living rooms! (source

Read the full article here.

And the one possible truth...

Simon Pegg has revealed Star Trek 2 could begin shooting as soon as this Christmas.

The 40-year-old British actor plays Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in the sci-fi adventure alongside Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana. The film is directed by JJ Abramas and roughly scheduled for release in 2012.

Simon revealed: "We all talk to each other, I speak to JJ quite a lot and he's very tight lipped - he doesn't even say what's going to happen in Lost, he really can keep a secret that guy!"

He added: "I keep saying when are we doing it, when are we doing it and he says 'Soon, soon.' So I reckon towards the end of the year.

"It might be a similar time to when we did the last one, so over Christmas kind of thing."

Asked what he was hoping might happen to Scotty in the new movie, Simon joked he would like him to have sex with an attractive green alien.

(source Google news)

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