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Motorola Unveils Comm Badge. It's Just A Little Bit Bigger Than Captain Picard's

Motorola Unveils Comm Badge.  It's Just A Little Bit Bigger Than Captain Picard's

Uh, yeah, we know that's not a picture of Captain Picard. :)

Motorola announced today that it would be launching a brand new device that would allow users to have push-to-talk capabilities in a wearable badge form.

Called the Team Badge, the device is a voice-over-wireless local area networking (VoWLAN) technology that eliminates the need for companies to rely on cellular services for communication within a defined region, said Frank Riso, Motorola senior director for retail solutions.

Now if we could just get it in a smaller package, let's say, in a delta shield shape, we'd buy two.  Check out more from the article at CTOEdge below.

Although Motorola is positioning the EWB100 Team Badge as a device that can be used primarily for retail applications, a badge that allows users to communicate with each other while keeping their hands free has a broad range of applications, such as warehouses and emergency response systems.

Motorola is also rolling out a credit-card size CLP two-way radio that comes in a configuration that supports Push-to-Talk technology over a Bluetooth connection. Like the EWB100, the CLP two-way radio is designed to be a wearable device. Both a single- and four-channel version of the CLP are expected to be available in the first quarter, while a Bluetooth-compatible model will be available in the second quarter. (source CTOEdge)

Read the full article here.

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