TOS Season 3 Best Of Picks By Certified Star Trek Geeks At DVD Geeks
Our friends over at DVD Geeks invited us, Jerad "Hey Star Trek!" Formby, Dayton Ward, Miles McLoughlin and Larry Nemecek to submit 3 of our favorite episodes from season 3 of TOS. We had to include "Spock's Brain" and "The Way to Eden". Come on, space hippies, what's not to love?! High fives! Be sure to check out the full article link below and spread the trek love!
We have a soft-spot for all things “Trek” around here - you almost can’t be a geek these days without some sort of reverence for the franchise that practically created modern-day fan obsession.
This week marks the release of the third season of the original “Star Trek” series on Bluray, and it’s something of an event. Finally, we fans have a complete collection of DVDs in beautifully restored high-def as well as a trove of new special features and the option to watch the shows in their original, un-retouched format.
We wanted to do something a little different to celebrate, and we invited some of our favorite Trek commentators, writers and gadflies to present us with their three top "Geek Picks" - three episodes or moments from season three that are essential viewing for fans.
Our picks:
"The Cloud Minders" (It's almost the perfect Trek episode), "The Thoalian Web" (Just because the Tholians are awesome - and we get to see another Constitution class ship) and a tie between "Spock's Brain" and "The Way to Eden" (both are absolutely horrible and fantastic, the best-worst Trek episodes ever).
(source DVD Geeks)
Check out the full article for the other Geek picks here.