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Answers - The Trivia Tribble Presents: 'The Doomsday Machine'

Answers - The Trivia Tribble Presents: 'The Doomsday Machine'

Here are the answers to this week's installment of The Trivia Tribble Presents. If you haven't tried your hand at the challenge check out the quiz here. Big thanks to the Trivia Tribble David Kleparek for providing the fantastic content.

Star Trek: The Original Series
Season 2, Episode 6 ‘The Doomsday Machine’

A special thanks to twitter follower @RyanPom for suggesting this episode as a topic for this week’s Trivia Tribble.

Grading at the bottome of the page.

Questions and Answers (in Bold)

1. How many planets were in the solar system that were destroyed at the start of the episode? - 7

2. Who was in command of the USS Constellation? - Commodore Matt Decker

3. What does Kirk overload in the USS Constellation resulting in a fusion explosion of 97.835 megatons? - The impulse engines

4. To what system was the planet killer headed when the Enterprise encountered it? - Rigel

5. What was the name of the communications officer during this episode? - Lieutenant Palmer

Trivia Tribble

6. What section of the USS Constellation was uninhabitable? - The Bridge

7. Kirk: “There’s only one thing I want to say to you, Commodore: get my ship out of there!” - (6 words)

8. What was the registry number of the USS Constellation? - NCC-1017 (Note: The USS Constellation model was an early model of the USS Enterprise, so the art department rearranged the Enterprise decals to form the Constellation’s registry number. Thus 1017 is an anagram of 1701.)

9. What is Chief Engineer Scott repairing? -The transporter

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10. Spock: “Vulcans never bluff.”

11. How does Spock describe the planet killer?
a. A giant machine
b. A robot
c. An organism
d. A living ship

12. What effect does flying a shuttle into the planet killer have on the machine? - A minute drop in power

13. What is missing? -The alert light near Sulu

Trivia Tribble

14. To what planet in the L-374 system did the captain beam his crew? - The third planet

15. What is the planet killer’s hull made from? - Solid Neurtronium


1-5: You end up not only destroying the USS Constellation, but the shuttlecraft, the Enterprise and the Rigel system. Way to go, Commodore.

6-10: You think the planet killer looks like a giant intestinal worm so you take a shuttlecraft full of anti-parasite medication and fly in down its throat. It doesn’t work.

11-15: You stop the planet killer. Congrats.

16+: Right off the bat, you find the power button. You shut the robot down and save the day. You are promoted to Double Commodore.

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Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art