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Learn Klingon In Vacouver, Canada

Learn Klingon In Vacouver, Canada

As reported by the Vancouver Courier, a local Vancouver resident has started a Klingon Language meetup where he plans to teach spoken Klingon.

Sitting in a coffee shop at the corner of Broadway and Manitoba Street Monday afternoon, none of the patrons blink an eye at Charles Bae's yellow Star Trek uniform shirt, or even his replica ray gun.

It's not until the Collingwood resident begins to sing a chorus of the Klingon national anthem, in Klingonese, that the woman behind him puts down her newspaper and looks over.

"Koi keh-less pook load. Koi Pook beh poo. Yoch bow math bow je shuv wee. Say moach chyu may ew. Mah shoov, mah nong...," Bae sings.

Bae explains he speaks and sings Klingonese phonetically, which is how he intends to teach the language. Klingons are the warrior villains from the fictional Star Trek universe. The 36-year-old has started a Star Trek Klingon language "meetup" group, through which he hopes to share his skills in Klingonese. Meetup groups are arranged through an online website,, dedicated to bringing people of similar interests together.

"I always thought it was such a shame no one was teaching Klingonese locally," said Bae. "But when I checked [] there were 12 people here who wanted to learn. So I decided, why not?"(source Vancouver Courier)

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Image credit

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art