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Answers - The Trivia Tribble Presents: 'I, Mudd'

The Trivia Tribble Presents: 'I, Mudd'

Here's the answers to this week's installment of The Trivia Tribble Presents. A big thanks to the Trivia Tribble David Kleparek for providing the fantastic content.

Star Trek: The Original Series
Season 2 Episode 8 ‘I, Mudd’

Grading is at the bottom of the page. 


1. How long had Crewman Norman been aboard the Enterprise at the beginning of the episode? - 72 Hours

2. What did the emergency button read when Crewman Norman tampered with the controls? - “Overload Danger”

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3. How long did it take for the Enterprise to arrive at the planet after it was taken over by Crewman Norman? - 4 Days

4. What does Spock try to do immediately after the android Crewman Norman turns himself off? - Give him a Vulcan mind meld.

5. What was Mudd’s wife’s name? - Stella

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6. Chekov: “This place is even better than Leningrad.”

7. What is Harry Mudd’s full name? - Harcourt Fenton Mudd

8. What is NOT one of the punishments for fraud of Denom V?

a. Death by Electrocution
b. Death by Phaser
c. Death by Beheading
d. Death by Hanging
e. Death by Gas

9. What is wrong with this photo? - Kirk’s delta shield is on backwards

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10. What does a K-type planet signify? - A planet “adaptable by humans by use of pressure domes and life support systems.”

11. What is Scotty looking at? - A nanopulse laser

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12. Where did the android’s makers come from? - The Galaxy of Andromeda 

13. What is Mudd doing on the floor? - Setting an imaginary bomb

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14. How many androids were on Mudd’s planet? - 207,809 (or “about 200,000")

15. What numbers are missing from the female android’s necklaces? - 99 & 66

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1-5: You are trapped on a planet with a robot of your ex-wife forever.

6-10: You are trapped on the planet forever, but you get to design your own androids.”

11-15: You escape with all hands, though Chekov is “wery upset with you, Keep-ten!” for not leaving him behind.

16+: You steal the designs for these androids and go and sell it to a man named Soong for a huge profit.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art