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Answers - The Trivia Tribble Presents: 'Little Green Men'

Answers - The Trivia Tribble Presents: 'Little Green Men'

Here are the answers to this week's installment of The Trivia Tribble Presents.  If you haven't tried your hand at the challenge check out the quiz here.   Big thanks to the Trivia Tribble David Kleparek for providing the fantastic content.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Season 4 Episode 8 ‘Little Green Men’

Grading is at the bottom of the page. 


1. What year and month does the ship travel to? - July, 1947

2. According to Quark: “The speed of technological advancement isn’t nearly as important as “Short-term quarterly gains” (I bet you said “profit” didn’t you?).”

3. What is Doctor Bashir holding in this photo? (see image below) - Nog’s favorite holo-suite program “A Visit with the Pleasure Goddess of Rix”

Trivia Tribble

4. What is NOT part of the Ferengi afterlife?

a. You must pay for your afterlife
b. If you defraud people, you go to The Vault of Eternal Destitution
c. There is a Blessed Exchequer
d. There are Celestial Auctioneers
e. The Divine Treasury is made of pure latinum

5. Who did Quark leave in charge of his bar when he left to Earth? - Morn

6. What did Quark name his shuttle?  (see image below) - Quark’s Treasure

Trivia Tribble

7. Who did General Denning call a “piano-playing democrat [that’s] not as dumb as he looks”? - President Harry S. Truman

8. Quark said “If they’ll buy Poison (Talking about tobacco), they’ll buy anything.“

9. Why are these people hitting their heads? (see image below) - They’re mimicking Quark, Rom and Nog who are trying to fix their universal translators.

Trivia Tribble

10.  How many bars of gold did Quark want as a good faith deposit? - “A couple million”

11. Zoom.  What is this zoomed-in image of? (see image below) - Quark’s neck pin.

Trivia Tribble

12. Who gave Quark his shuttle? - Quark and Rom’s cousin Gaila

13. Where was it mentioned that Quark was going to smuggle kemocite? - Orion

14. According to Quark: “All humans look Alike.”

15. What is missing from this image? (see image below) - Photos of Quark’s shuttle

Trivia Tribble


1-5: You were autopsied at Roswell.

6-10: You escaped the military base but weren’t able to time travel again: forced to live for nearly 21 years before seeing any Star Trek again in 1968.

11-15: You earned a job bartending at Quark’s Bar.

16+: You have been accepted into the Divine Treasury.  Pay at the front desk.

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