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Star Trek After Turkey. Starbase Indy Convention Is This Weekend!

If you're in the Indianapolis area and celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday but still have a bunch of days off after that, you can now fill that time with Star Trek! It's time again for Starbase Indy!

That's right, one of the best independently run Star Trek conventions around, Starbase Indy, just happens to be going on this weekend; November 28th - 30th 2014. We're not biased, we's just that we've attended one of their conventions a few years back and it was a fabulous time. Because this convention is not a "mega-convention" you get less wait time for panels and events, tons of after hours parties and fun, close up seating to panels, and much closer access to the guests overall, which ultimately turns it into an awesomely memorable experience!

Trek Culture Review: Star Trek Starships 'Recent' Releases

We're super stoked every time we see a box in the mail from Eaglemoss, the people responsible for the Star Trek Starships Collection, but this time the time between shipments seemed to be quicker than normal. We'd love to blame that on an exciting temporal anomaly adventure but the reality is that we've just been plain old busy. But hey, how is it not cool when the outcome of busy-ness is that you get to open 3 shipments of Star Trek collectibles all at once? It was totally Trek-mas in July September. Check out their website to sign up for a subscription of your very own.

Anyway, as usual, we loved every second of opening and "assembling" our ships. That's one of those things I personally like to savor. Examining each ship's detail is a blast. Don't tell anybody, but when I happen to be opening them when no one else is around, they even go out for a little "test-flight" around the room...with corresponding "vroom vroom" sound effects (provided by me, of course). Remember...mum's the word on that one.

Trek Culture Review: Star Trek Starships Latest Releases

We have our latest ship acquisitions from Star Trek Starships, and they are ready for review!

These latest three in this ongoing series include; Issue #11: U.S.S. Reliant NCC-1864, Issue #12: U.S.S. Thunderchild NCC-63549, and Issue #13: Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser.

The solid construction of these models, is again, the first thing that I notice as I take them out of their boxes. Most of each ship is made of metal, with only a minimal amount of resin pieces. The detail of each ship is still amazing to me. They are scaled appropriately, so they don't feel like a little kid's toy, but even at their scale-model size, you can see every detail of the panels and markings that make up the personality of each ship.

After assembling the stands and setting them into their respective one, I notice that some of the stands fit more snugly than others. Once they were on my display shelf I didn't have any issues, but if you plan to take them down to play with ...errrr...I mean, should be careful when doing so, so you don't accidentally drop either the ship or the stand. I get the feeling that they wouldn't break...but who wants to take that chance.

Trek Culture Review: Star Trek Starships Latest Release + Our Model Ship Giveaway

We’ve been subscribers of the Star Trek Starships by Eaglemoss Collections since the last Las Vegas Star Trek Convention in August, 2013. We saw them on the vendor floor and were totally hooked, but it wasn’t until the day after the convention was over (recovery day, as we like to call it) that our good friend Darren (from Trek Cast) reminded us about them and showed us the awesome books and models that he had already received for signing up, that we remembered to sign up for ourselves. Ever since then, we’ve been receiving these little metal beauties in the mail every month like clockwork.

Trek Culture Book Review: "Avatar" Book One And Two

The hardest and most rewarding thing about Deep Space 9 is that it is not episodic in nature. The stories often do not bear their full weight without being experienced in series and, like that, Avatar bears no weight without the entirety of the television run behind it. In other words, if you haven’t watched Deep Space 9 all the way to the end, this isn’t the book you’re looking for.

Star Trek + Turkey = Best Thanksgiving Ever!

If you're going to be celebrating your Thanksgiving holiday anywhere near Indianapolis this year, you have one more thing to be thankful awesome Star Trek convention!

That's right! It's that time again, and Starbase Indy is having their yearly convention just in time to celebrate the holiday twice. The convention starts on Friday November 29th and spans the whole weekend. They have a bunch of guests this year, including three big names from Star Trek. Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Armin Shimerman (Quark), and Suzie Plakson (Worf's mate K'Ehelyr) will be guests this year, along with several actors from Stargate SG1. We love the big DS9 presence, considering that it's the show's 20th anniversary, this year!


Bye Bye,Robot is announcing the launch of three new Star Trek prints. Two of the new prints, by artists Cliff Cramp and Tracie Ching, are heavily inspired by this year’s 20th Anniversary of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

“The graphic style of Tracie’s print and the expressionistic style of Cliff’s prints play off of each other beautifully,” says Charity Wood, Co-Founder of Bye Bye, Robot.  “We’re excited to be working with so many talented artists…each bringing their unique style to the Star Trek realm…offering different styles of art for different collectors’ tastes.”

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art