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Alice Eve

Star Trek Into Darkness's Alice At CES & The Inner Workings Of Bad Robot

Two Star Trek Into Darkness videos have hit the web and showcase the upcoming film in different ways. First up is a video from the Qualcomm keynote address from CES in Las Vegas. CES is currently running all over Vegas with hundreds-of-thousands in attendance and Qualcomm has taken over as keynote presenter from Microsoft. The big Q had an awkward presentation that showcase everything from over-the-top actors, a fully electric Rolls Royce and Maroon 5. Sandwiched in there somewhere, was a brief appearance by Alice Eve (Dr. Carol Marcus), featuring a new augmented reality app for Star Trek: Into Darkness. You can see the video below, complete with awkward pauses and wandering teleprompter eyes.

Star Trek Into Darkness Co-Star Alice Eve Talks About The Script And Her Time On Set

Alice Eve Talks About Her Role In Star Trek Into Darkness

It's going to be a crazy ride to May 17th. All of the press for Star Trek Into Darkness is really starting to ramp up and it's only going to get crazier the closer we get to summer. Trek newcomer Alice Eve recently talked to Digital Spy about her time working on the new J.J. Abrams film and had nothing but praise for her director.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art