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New Day-Trip Available From Geek Nation Tours Coinciding With The Official Star Trek Convention In Las Vegas, This July!

Remember back in March when we told you about the ultimate Star Trek themed guided tour? Well, if you can't make that one, how about a single day excursion? Geek Nation Tours has added a Star Trek themed Day-Trip called "Trek into the Valley of Fire - One Day Adventure" to their roster!

It all happens the day before the beginning of this year's Official Star Trek Convention In Las Vegas. If you're already planning on attending the convention, totally get there a day early and have even more Trek-Fun! This Day-Trip is on Wednesday July 30th, departs conveniently from the Rio Hotel and Suites, and is priced at $175 per person. Book your spot on the Day-Trip, HERE.

Geek Nation Tours says: 

For those unable to join us for our full “LA2Vegas” Trek film site tour, here’s a great way to get a “taste” of what the bigger adventure is like—with just about as much drama as you can pack into a one-day trip.

Geek Nation Tours presents a one-day Trek Adventure to explore Nevada’s Valley of Fire State Park, otherwise known as the final resting place of Captain James T. Kirk from Star Trek: Generations. … The desert buttes scenery is awesome enough on its own, but of course we will see where the movie’s climax was filmed and where Dr. Tolian Soran attempted to destroy Veridian III’s star in order to alter the direction of the Nexus ribbon. We will see where Captains Kirk and Picard thwarted his plans, and where the legendary James T. Kirk was killed and put to rest. As one of the coolest spots in Nevada (well it will be hot AND cool) – Valley of Fire State Park was once the spiritual centre of many Native Americans.  We will see Indian petroglyphs and other priceless artifacts plus some of the strangest and most wonderful rock formations in the world.

And you won’t believe what movie prop is still intact there, to provide you the ultimate photo opp stop!

Like the full LA2Vegas tour, our one-day adventure will be guest-led by “Dr. Trek” - Larry Nemecek—the noted Star Trek guru as a consultant, interviewer, producer and author of the Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion and Star Trek: Stellar Cartography, often called upon for his vast knowledge of the Star Trek universe and its business. He is currently researching Star Trek filming sites, and he will continue his trek with Geek Nation Tours today.

What's more, Geek Nation Tours received some great news in January 2014:  Subject to his work schedule, our Valley of Fire trek will be accompanied by Michael Westmore.  Mr. Westmore is the accomplished make-up designer and supervisor for, Star Trek TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise and their films.  He also happens to be one of the few people that were on the location set when Generations was filmed at the Valley of Fire.  Along with Larry, he will give us his unique first-hand information and knowledge on how the battle on Veridian III and Kirk's death were filmed.

If you were already planning to be in Las Vegas at least a day before the convention formally starts, consider this—or consider making plans to do so!

They only have room for 12, so book right away!

A few more details:

Wednesday July 30th - $175 per person - Departs from: Rio Hotel and Suites

Pick up will be at 8:00 am (please arrive at the front doors by 7:45 am) and the tour will return at about 3:00 pm.  The tour will head off in separate small groups in SUVs to better circumnavigate the terrain.

And GOOD NEWS! There are still a few open spots available on the full tour, we previously told you about; "Exploring Trek Sites: Hollywood to Vegas With Larry Nemecek" Book HERE.

Do you wanna keep the party going after your Trek Vegas Extravaganza?!? How about taking Geek Nation Tours' "Geeking Out at Gen Con 2014" tour August 12-18, 2014. Did we mention that Garrett Wang (Voyager's Ensign Harry Kim) was going to be joining the tour group for that entire tour?! ...well...he is!!! Book Now to secure your spot!

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art