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Win Tickets To The TNG Season 2 Movie Theater Event Via Larry Nemecek's Trekland

Our good friend and Star Trek author Larry Nemecek is holding his first contest giveaway over at his site If you haven't checked out Trekland... stop what you're doing and head over there now. It's full of behind the scenes info for our favorite scifi series, plus Trek happenings from all around the country and the globe. Not only that, but now you can get a chance to win tickets to the upcoming TNG season 2 screening. All you have to do is live in or be near Boston, New York City, Orlando, Chicago, or Seattle, answer the Trekland trivia question, and follow the entry steps below.

Do it quick, the contest ends 6 p.m Eastern Time/ 3 p.m. Pacific on Sunday, Nov. 25!

Official details below.


I'm so excited to announce our first contest giveaway: FREE TICKETS to the Nov. 29 nationwide Fathom Events theater screening to celebrate The Next Generation's Remastered Bluray release—this time, "A Celebration of Season 2."

That's right—you can win a pair of tickets to the event from my very own TREKLAND ... in any of FIVE major cities: Boston, New York City, Orlando, Chicago, or Seattle.

But do it fast!

The only caveat is you have to be situated and able to attend the screening in one of those cities, of course—but hey, we can't blanket the country. You need only send your email, your mailing address for the ticket delivery from Fathom, and your answer to this question:

"In TNG Season 2, what major Star Trek "villain" group was introduced in what was originally going to be a "Part 2" episode to "Time Squared"?

More about the theater event Nov. 29 and the Blu-ray project below, but first:


This is a quickie contest, so pay attention to this quickie entry process and its quirks:

— Go to my website,, and click on the yellow Newsletter box at left.

— In the "First Name" box, ignore that label and write your FULL NAME and complete mailing address: street, city, state, zip.

— In the "Last Name" box, ignore that label as well and type one of the five "TICKET CITY" listed that is proximate to you—Boston, NYC, Chicago, Orlando, or Seattle ... followed by the one-word answer to the above question. (Example: "Orlando — THERMIANS*")

(Again, fair warning: Unless you want to spring for a plane/train ticket or long-haul it, please do not enter unless you are in or near one of the five metro areas listed. Sorry, Rest of America (including my native and adopted homes)—we'll get you next time.)

That's it!

ONE entry per person—thanks!

(The favorite series survey, per the regular sign-up form, is not part of this quickie contest, but is required on this widget. If you're in a hurry, just click "All.")

ENTRY DEADLINE is 6 p.m Eastern Time/ 3 p.m. Pacific on Sunday, Nov. 25!

Five winners will be announced by Monday night, Nov. 26—after I draw from among all those submitting both the correct answer AND a complete, useable email and mailing address; both are required in order to win. Fathom Events will be provided the five winners' addresses, and will supply the prize tickets directly to them. Also, Fathom will award the specific theater passes as close as possible based on geography.

NOTE: Aside from the five winners, all email and address data is seen and retained only by me and does not go on to Fathom or any other corporate entity. If you wish to opt-out of my list, write "opt-out" after your trivia answer. Otherwise, I hope you stay in for my low-key monthly contact through the year of rare goodies, sneak peeks, con travels and project updates from all over Trekland.

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art