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It’s William Shatner’s Birthday, Yo!

Hey out there, in case you haven’t heard, it’s William Shatner’s birthday! Yah, we spelled out his name for that. It’s special. It’s March 22nd, his 81st birthday and he’s showing NO signs of slowing down…or aging, for that matter. I gotta say, he looks fantastic on and off screen!! I hope I look that good when I’m 81.

In case you’re from an alternate dimension that doesn’t contain The Shat (oh, how sad for you), we’ll give you a little back story on him. Bill Shatner is only the coolest dude around the galaxy. Not only was he Captain of the Enterprise - James Tiberius Kirk, he was also T.J. Hooker, Denny Crane, Walter H. Bascom, and The Big Giant Head…just to name a few.

Now I realize I didn’t say he “portrayed these characters for film and tv” but instead went straight for the “was these characters”. That was intentional. I don’t mean that I completely forget it’s Bill up on the screen, but there’s something about his performances that make me believe, that this guy who I know “looks like Bill Shatner,” really is those characters...

Maybe it’s his enthusiasm

Maybe it’s his charm

 Maybe it’s magic!

Or maybe it’s just the special way he has of making us all love him

Whatever the secret is, we’re eternally happy he has it. Happy Birthday Mr. Shatner, and we wish you many, many more!

Bye Bye, Robot: Official Licensed Star Trek Fine Art